I recently joined a FB Reduce/recycle etc website for my postcode area. There's a sister group for Gardening items.
Anything that's offered will be within a couple of miles from home - so not far to collect stuff.
Its amazing what people give away - so far I've had a hardly used Halogen Oven, brand new keyboard and mouse, 2 bags of Alpaca Wool! and today, a Dyson Animal cleaner (needs new hose - about £7 on the bay).
I've offered a GTech Cordless sweeper (that was my Mum's) - 8 requests so far and a bag of Hair accessories my neighbour gave me that I'll never use.
Unwanted books go in a box outside the gate for any passers-by to take.
Who else finds joy in other people's junk?
Love stuff like that. I’ve recently got a big old fish kettle and old coal bucket ( both will be repurposed as planters as they both have holes in the bottom already
) a very large metal tray/basket. And 2 old boat trailers 1 with no wheels. They now make one very useable boat trailer
We have a local freecycle. P got rid of masses of old electronic spares, valves , transistors etc to make room for the freezer. Not much on the gardening side though. We scrounged some already recycled wrinkly tin for no. 1 compost bin from two doors up, I was well pleased with that.
I don't like gadgets or I no didn't know I needed....so I really struggle with those sites. My mind shuts off if I start looking through electric/household things.....but I can spend many hours in a salvage yard. I love old metal or stone things - but I hate electrical goods.
I find free cycle etc useful for moving bulky items I no longer have a use for. Our most recent donation was a carpet from our back room we no longer had use for (we didn't like it and found a solid wood pine floor under it). We've also given away lots of other stuff including old crockery, a rotary washing line, lots of bits over the years.
Hmm, I leave mine outside on the road with a big sign "please take" - the record was the drum kit that was gone in 10 minutes, complete with stool!
Though I have gifted some of the boys things that they no longer need - exam revision books, magnet collections, train set etc on the Facebook group for the local estate that has lots of kids.
I "sold" my Aga last week for £50 on FB
- heartbroken.
£50 for an Aga!!! Its worth more than that to a scrappie. I'll hang on to mine if that's the going rate!
Today's "clutter" awaiting collection - 2 x fibreoptic Christmas trees!!!!, flowerpots and courgette and lovage plants. I'm surprised how popular the lovage is - 6 requests so far!!
I need to get rid of two fridges, one works but is old, the other doesn’t but is only a couple of years old. Might see if anyone is interested locally.
(24-05-2021, 09:54 PM)Veggie Wrote: [ -> ]£50 for an Aga!!! Its worth more than that to a scrappie. I'll hang on to mine if that's the going rate!
Today's "clutter" awaiting collection - 2 x fibreoptic Christmas trees!!!!, flowerpots and courgette and lovage plants. I'm surprised how popular the lovage is - 6 requests so far!!
I really wanted to keep it but I lost lots of other space with bigger pillars for the supports at the opening of the new but. Weighing it up with running costs just for 2 of us - hardly any cooking in the summer etc. it felt a cheaper option - and yes, £50
it was like new.
Mine's almost permanently turned off - just a very expensive cupboard. I'd like a normal cooker but can't face the upheaval of having the Aga taken out!!