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Just had to net my tall telephone peas Sad caught a Sparrow having a snack.
A pottering day, weeding, deadheading, training the honeysuckle over the pergola, and then planted a short hedge of hibiscus given to me by a friend. It is a little spur from the boundary hedge but allows us to walk through a hidden gap (when grown!) in the hedge around the veg garden.
Fed chilli grow
Potted up lemon thyme, lavender, sage, basil, marigolds & nasturtium in a pot outside the front door. They’re supposed to repel flies. Will see what happens.
Tied up tomatoes and removed armpits.
Finally, got around to clearing some space in GH no 2 and planted 7 tomatoes in their final position.
It wouldn't have taken so long if the old canes had been good enough to reuse - but they weren't, so I had to find some more. I'd cut a lot of bamboo down a few weeks ago and it had been stored under the roof of the log store to dry out. I'm just a bit too vertically challenged to reach them easily, so it involved standing on a stool on the lowest side of the roof and pushing individual canes until they appeared on the far side, where I could hook them down with a hooky things and pull them out.
Needless to say, they were all too long to go in the GH so I had to cut them down - dry bamboo is tough on the old secateurs - and me.
Then it was decision time - which 7 tomatoes should I plant?
From memory, the lucky ones were San Marzano, Scatalone, Paul Robeson, Urban's Gardener's Delight, Eve's Purple Ball, Pertseviddny Red and Red Buffalo Horn.
Will try to plant some more tomorrow - only another 30+ plants to plant or rehome!
Potted up more flower plants, to clear a shelf above the tomato bed, removed the shelf, secured rods to allow me to use string to support the tomatoes. Then went out to remove some dead clematis from a fence for an elderly lady, it had a lot of dry material and she was worried about the possibility of it catching fire from someones bbq
Yesterday got the gh's planted. Notwithstanding my vow not to overcrowd, there's an awful lot of stuff in there. P will be moaning about not being able to get in for the triffids...........moan on, I dont care! Big Grin
Today is work for the first time in ages, wonder if I can still use a computer and type??
Planted Basil that I'd rooted in water, the original plants are now looking nice and bushy. After the just weeding and re-homing self seeded plants.
Watered bits at the plot.

Mulched cucurbits with a grass / moss mixture

Strimmed half the overgrown path between my plot and a neighbours. Battery now charging, will pop back later.
Gave grandson a hand to fill a couple of bins with some of the clematis and tied up some bundles of it as well, but still a fair bit to go, after that I was doing some work in the back garden, putting up plant holders and using them for fuchsia, I then started preparing a large bin for holding a mashed potato squash, I have placed turf on the bottom, covered that with layers of newspaper and cardboard, then emptied a bag of garden compost on top of that, this was an old compost bag turned outside in to give a black bag, filled it with some material that wasn't completely composted, tied it up and left in the sun for a couple of months and now I have great compost, will cover it tomorrow with soil then plant out one of the squash, once its hardened off
Finally planted all the Charity sale plants - the Blue iris have flower buds already. I like Iris but have very few of them - better put it on my mental shopping list. Smile
Moved the early tomatoes from GH No 2 (where they were outgrowing their space) and into GH No 4 - that entailed clearing shelves to make room for them.
Its a bit like playing Musical greenhouses at the moment.
Tomorrow, I can clear GH No 2 and plant some tall toms in there.