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Full Version: 2021 - What I did today
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Spent the morning rotovating the ground for the spuds, Got 3 drills of spuds planted, planted 12 tomato plants into raised bed in the poly tunnel.
I also potted on 2 tomato plants into bigger pots for a friend.
Did the weekly sow list and then strimmed all round the front and along a couple of hedges, but not underneath to give space for wildlife. Gave a pellet of chicken mature to each pathetic tomato seedling as they are still inert! I have bigger ones just germinated in a potted on cucumber Blush
Finished my potato planting, total of 6 drills. Also planted some turnips

(30-01-2021, 12:03 PM)Farendwoman Wrote: [ -> ]Bought 27 small round stepping stone paving slabs from B and M.
Need them to bridge the gap between the large round slabs that used to be the correct distance apart for walking across to the dustbin and garage.
That was 20 years ago!
Nowadays the distance between them is far too wide for my legs to cope with, so I end up with muddy feet.
Just got to wait for the other half to lay gem for me. Watch this space!
At last - got them done !
(23-04-2021, 04:20 PM)Farendwoman Wrote: [ -> ]
(30-01-2021, 12:03 PM)Farendwoman Wrote: [ -> ]Bought 27 small round stepping stone paving slabs from B and M.
Need them to bridge the gap between the large round slabs that used to be the correct distance apart for walking across to the dustbin and garage.
That was 20 years ago!
Nowadays the distance between them is far too wide for my legs to cope with, so I end up with muddy feet.
Just got to wait for the other half to lay gem for me. Watch this space!
At last - got them done !
Took down an old timber swing and slide, have had it for years for the grand kids, but it has dried out and was rotten in places. My daughter said it was a death trap so my 9 year old grandson wouldn’t go near it “cause my mam said it’s a death trap”.  Confused

I have managed to pick up a trampoline second hand and my daughter is donating their old swing because they are building an extension and no space for the swing.  Huh
Pruned the olive tree and weeded the gravel at the top and bottom of the drive (the middle, the steep bit, is hideous concrete).
Cleared more of the "far end", enough to plant a jostaberry in the edible hedge.
Planted some Beth Alpha cucs in the GH
Split a punnet of cress or is it mustard, into 6 and potted them into a 6 pack of modules. They look like kale seedlings to me.Wink
Took the 23/60 courgette seedlings out to the GH for a sunbathe.
Not sure what else I did but there must have been something. ?
Been at work today so only got around to potting on Marigolds and Nasturtiums. plus digging up more dandelions.
Toms, cucs and courgettes are now back indoors on windowsills we're expecting lows of 2c tonight.
Cleared the last of the flowering kale - seemed a shame as the bees were loving the flowers but I was worried by the huge numbers of white fly.
Pruned the lonicera tatarica.
Mulched a couple of trees with grass clippings.
Greenhouse is open for the first time tonight.