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Planted the last of my winter lettuce into buckets and troughs, when it gets colder I'll take them into the GH. I intended to plant these in the GH border but toms are still ripening.
Walked 17000 steps with my dog today to try and tire him out. I fear that that amount of steps to a Siberian Husky was just like a stroll in the park! Rolleyes I was up all last night with him howling like a wolf, He wouldn't settle so I finished up spending most of the night on the settee close to where he sleeps in the living room. I need my bed tonight so he had better be quiet or else I will not be a happy bunny! Angry
Mulched the 4 fruit beds/pallet collars with spent compost
Stacked wood after MrB split it, picked what I think is the last of my Blauhilde beans.
Nothing to harvest, but I did a little video of the back garden for you all.

I've also laid out bamboo canes where I want our path and where the beds will go. J says I'm a bit greedy with it haha
He agreed though, so now I can plant the raspberries, rhubarb and everything else where I know they will be productive.

I have decided I like brick paths best, and while I procure them (free, of course? I will make use of the flagstones and pavers at the end of the garden to lay a temporary path.

It is so exciting ???
Started work on the hedges - that's the first 40m cut and shredded, another 200m to go!
Collected some large plastic boxes (to store books and seeds) and 2 toilet roll holders - all free, of course! The latter are now in place and I have the 2 old ones (the ones where you squeeze the central roll to release it from the holder before replacing the toilet roll. Wondered whether I had any large balls of string that could be threaded onto the rod so that I cut pull off the length I needed with tangling it?
Did some tumble weeding with the chooks. They wait for me to turn the piles of dead stuff over, then pounce on whatever lies beneath. The ground is damp beneath the dry dead weeds - proves the power of mulching!
Played with flowerpots this afternoon, sorting them into size and putting aside the odd ones. I'll use those for cuttings that I intend to give away.
Cut the grass. Tipped out a pot of old tulip bulbs. Cleaned them up and re-planted them along with a dozen new red tulip bulbs.Went for a long drive then a long walk with Kato! Smile

Going to a 'reveal' party tomorrow for my latest grandchild. This is a new thing that we didn't have when my kids were born so should be interesting. Rolleyes
Released Fitzroy from the junk room where he had been locked all night. 
I did wonder wonder why he didn’t come to bed with me and his brother last night - AND what all the strange bumps in the night were.
One good thing though (well two actually as he didn’t disgrace himself) was that he managed to dislodge and reveal a large box of Shreddies that we didn’t know we still had. They must’ve been on offer at some time and my husband was panicking and stocking up on food before lockdown.
Good job nobody in this house cares about sell by dates!
Fitzroy is beautiful!!