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Full Version: 2021 - What I did today
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Prepared area for peas to be planted out. Pulled up a load of bitter cress before the pods explode. Don't know where it came from as not here till a couple of years ago.
Got soaking wet pumping water from full butts to less full butts, thinking the rain wouldn't last, but figured I may have wasted my time when I looked at the forecast. Butts might have filled by themselves over the weekend.
Yesterday I spent most of the day playing with metal work. Quite possibly for nothing but that a story for another thread.
Potted up 16 day lily tubers. Very excited about those.
They don’t seem to be very consistent for me - hence the need to take cuttings (when I remember).
I’ve overwintered Salvia Royal Bumble and salvia Nachtvlinder. The latter has leaves with an incredible scent. I haven’t done well with Amistad though.
Seed sowing, pricking out & planted spuds.
Thursday is Leaves day but I didn't do much as I was waiting for a parcel - which is coming tomorrow now!!
Cleared some of the bolting lettuce out of GH No 1 and replanted it in the random bed where it can seed to its heart's content and hopefully regrow lots of lovely lettuces amongst the wallflowers, parsnips, Elephant garlic and fruit bush cuttings that are already there.
Added a few Broad bean seedlings that I'd forgotten to do yesterday.
Took an accidental gooseberry bush cutting Wink
Potted on a few more kales - they're suffering in GH No 4 where a mouse seems to have taken a fancy to their leaves.
Does buying cheap lettuce seeds count as part of leaves day??
Collected some more moudy hill soil, also got five bags of hen-pen from a neighbour, it has been sitting for quite a while, so no smell from it but have added it into the compost bins, there is a mix of straw and wood shavings, so might pick up another couple of bags and try growing potatoes in it, just to check it's okay to use
Friday is for Flowers - mainly Sunflowers.
I love sunflowers but always forget to grow them - therefore, I have many packets of outdated seeds, including a bag of Sunflower seeds that our old friend from another place, Bill HH, sent me.
I sorted all the seeds into 3 jars - Bill HH's, tall ones and ones for pots and borders and wandered around scattering them in appropriate places on the north side of the garden - so that when their heads (I wish) turn to follow the sun, I'll be able to see them and not the neighbours.
I also emptied a stash of old Clarkia, Aquilegia and Lobelia seeds into a jar and started to clear part of the "close to the house" garden, ready for another great scattering.Smile
Potted on cucs, Beth alpha, tasty king, konsa.
Transplanted tomatoes.
Planted some potatoes and sowed kohl rabi seeds