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Full Version: 2022 - How's Your Weather Today?
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We had a monsoon downpour yesterday for about 30 mins, it topped the pond up a bit and will make it easier to plant and weed, lovely. Water butts not quite filled but on the way. Overcast and cool today.
We're transitioning back into normal summer with 22 and mostly cloudy today, but high 20s and sunshine again from tomorrow. Nice to have moist ground and full water butts, again.
This corner of Cheshire is desperate for rain now. Lots of plants dying off in the garden, lawns are brown. The dairy farmer that has a purely grass fed herd has a fraction of the silage he needs for the winter. The grass has completely stopped growing. And the next week's forecast is hot and dry.
The weather station read 41 and the thermometer a more realistic 36 on the covered terrace yesterday and today, and despite enough rain to fill the water butts at the start of the month, the ground is dry as dust here, too. There's no rain in the 14 day forecast, just high temperatures and sunshine.
Bladdy damp horrible and cold! Angry
Hot but hazy - so cooler than it has been, Still no proper rain. Water butts are heading towards empty.............about half full now. Nice breeze today.
40C in the GH.
Not so warm today, or at least not sunny. But Monday is awaiting temperatures at 35 degrees, and even hotter on Tuesday! Monday is my office working day, so I've taken the day off to avoid the awful heat there when it's sunny. Homeworking Tuesday, so I'll be having all the fans and ice blocks for my feet haha
Latest weather forecast "....a risk of thunderstorms on Wednesday." I wonder what sort of sacrifice Thor would like to ensure it happens here?
Twice round the garden in the nuddy should do it, but make sure the rain god is appeased as well, all bang and no rain makes a gardener very unhappy. Smile
To hot to be comfy gardening unless its early morning or around now, so i'll be of out soon to weed and pull up bolted lettuce and mustard spinach.