Japanese anenomes
Posted by: JJB - 16-11-2022, 11:17 PM - Replies (8)

I've been given a root of japanese anemones either white or pinkish and quite tall.

Are they thugs and run rampant? I understand they prefer partial shade. I'll have to be mindful of where I plonk it.

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Posted by: Small chilli - 16-11-2022, 10:15 AM - Replies (14)

How do you stop aphids in winter?
They are one of the main reasons I don’t grow in the polytunnels or bring things into the house. 
But this year I’m trying to start a few things early. My Cosmos that I’ve sown at completely the wrong time of year is actually doing very well. It’s about to flower. But I’ve just evicted it from the tunnel as it’s covered in aphids. Can’t see the little green sh**s on any of the seedlings, at the moment.
I use ladybirds to control them if I have a problem in summer but they won’t survive in winter and they should be hibernating anyway. 
So how do I control them in winter on young delicate plants?

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  Calendar idea
Posted by: Admin - 15-11-2022, 07:31 PM - Replies (19)

I was thinking of having a GandG calendar printed, not for 2023 but 2024

All you need to do is submit a monthly picture which depicts the month. The picture can be of anything gardening related. Members will select the monthly winner.

Each winning entry will feature in the calendar and be entered into a draw next November, the winner will receive a £50 prize. All entrants will receive a copy of the calendar.

Why might even get to see Vinny on his little tractor Smile

Add your name below if you wish to participate.

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  Tall rosemary
Posted by: Scarlet - 13-11-2022, 11:14 PM - Replies (19)

At the pub they have rosemary that sends up really long stems... mine is nothing like that! Now I want a tall variety.

I have bought myself some trailing rosemary that will drape over the wall...any one have a variety that has long straight/upright stems.

....I may have to take my snips Big Grin

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  The Bean Dilemma
Posted by: Veggie - 13-11-2022, 10:54 PM - Replies (27)

I've been sorting through my bean seeds tonight (everyone needs a hobby) and I have the same dilemma as I have every year. 
Should I grow
1. the reliable ones, like Hunter, that are good to eat 
2. lots of different ones to find a new favourite
3. beans for drying or for eating fresh
4. heritage beans in order to save seeds for sharing or for next year
5. CFBs or runners (can only grow one runner if saving seeds to grow next year)
6. dwarf beans or climbers
7. jumble all the seeds together and not worry about it.
8. NEW Give seeds to Volunteers to grow (thanks Garrett and DJ)

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  Homemade C word
Posted by: Small chilli - 13-11-2022, 07:54 PM - Replies (27)

Anyone making homemade gifts or cards for the C word?

I’ve made a few cards


Contains a little packet of mixed self saved seed


Also trying to get as many gifts as possible that also give to charities.

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  Flower seed ID please
Posted by: JJB - 11-11-2022, 12:29 PM - Replies (36)

I have a plastic bag full of seeds that I have no recollection saving.  Here's  a pic of seeds, dry petals and heads. Anyone knowledgeable have any idea? It might be a tall oxeye daisy but looking online at oxeye seeds they're not quite the same.


PS if anyone want some daft potluck unidentified seeds speak up..............I'm sure I hear the deafening silence ?

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  2023 - Plans & Hopes
Posted by: Veggie - 09-11-2022, 11:02 AM - Replies (20)

On a wet and miserable November day, my thoughts are on spring and what would I like to be doing then.
With that in mind, are there any things you want to change or do differently next year. Any plans, crazy ideas, tweaks, something you won't do/grow again? 

2022 thread at https://gardenandgossip.org/showthread.php?tid=1289

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  Christmas competition update
Posted by: Admin - 07-11-2022, 08:50 PM - Replies (9)

As you are aware, we normally run a Christmas competition.  This year I have decided Garden and Gossip will support  local families enjoy Christmas lunch. A local charity are looking to sponsor 100 families @£50 ea, although not into religion, I am a member of the local community, so feel it is a good thing to do.

Garden and Gossip will sponsor 3 families this Christmas.

I am sure you won't mind the lack of a competition for this year.

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  Removing best before dates from fruit & veg
Posted by: Veggie - 05-11-2022, 09:58 PM - Replies (10)

You may remember the suggestion that removing Best before dates from fresh produce would reduce food waste. Today I was given some bagged fruit and veg - some of which say in big writing " No date, helps reduce waste". To my inexpert eye, there seems to be nothing wrong with these things, so why are they giving them away? Shouldn't they be keeping them on the shelf until they're unsaleable - or is it the customer who is blamed for the food waste by chucking them once they reach their Best before date?
Out of interest (maybe) I was given 2 net bags of 4 lemons.
Sainsburys Organic unwaxed £1.50, reduced to 75p, then to 39p then given away "No date helps reduce waste". Origin Spain
Co-op unwaxed £1.75, reduced to 96p, then to 63p, then given away "Best before 3 November". Origin South Africa

The Coop ones are yellower than the Sainsburys which have a greenish tinge but are organic and cheaper. If you need lemons you know where to shop now.

I looked for dates on the other veg I picked up - Waitrose carrots are dated, Sainsburys aren't. They're all in plastic wrappers though.  Sad

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