TV Cooks and a Quiz
Posted by: Veggie - 25-10-2022, 10:56 AM - Replies (10)

I scored a pathetic 4/10. 
Gotto go back and watch some of those clips, next time it rains. I remember Fanny & Johnny Craddock - poor Johnny. He said something like "Fanny's got a bun in the oven" and it was a classic clip for years.

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  Flowers for Drying
Posted by: Veggie - 22-10-2022, 08:46 PM - Replies (1)

Chiltern Seeds have a list of flowers that can be dried (and sown from seed).

Here's a pared down list for you (and me)
Alchemilla Mollis
Centaurea cyanus.......................I've given up, there are too many. Big Grin

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  Eat seasonal
Posted by: Veggie - 22-10-2022, 10:05 AM - Replies (9)

The cost of energy v UK grown cucumbers. 
Another reason to eat seasonal and grow your own?

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  Mung beans
Posted by: Veggie - 20-10-2022, 10:06 PM - Replies (10)

I have a packet of Mung beans for sprouting but I've no idea what sort of plant a Mung bean is - if left to grow normally, instead of sprouted (bean sprouts). 

Without goggling or duckducking, what do you think they are like - height, flower colour, etc etc.

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  New Job
Posted by: Broadway - 20-10-2022, 10:39 AM - Replies (7)

Hi Folks

I've been browsing the forum but have not really had time for the plot these last few weeks.

The week after we lost HettySad I started a job at Wilk* in the warehouse, I am averaging about 11 miles a night walking! It's great seeing all the items I enjoy buying as I'm walking up and down the pick lines.

We are also having our roof re-tiled which is adding to my sleep issues during the day!

Anyway, all things being equal I hope to get my onions sets in at the weekendSmile

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Posted by: Veggie - 18-10-2022, 08:19 PM - Replies (12)

For the first time in living memory the quince tree is laden with fruit.
I picked one today, cut it into slices and tried to eat a bit. Its a bit mouth puckering - like a lemon and very hard. I know you can make jam with them but I wondered what else - and it has to be easy.
Youtube came up with  If, like me, you enjoy watching local people cooking in traditional ways, without gadgets, have a look. 
The channel is Samovar Tea. 

Following their example, I washed and chopped the quince, poured some water on brought it to the boil. It softened very quickly and the peel disintegrated - needed sugar but it is delicious. Tomorrow, I may pick some more. 

If anyone has any simple recipes for Quince, please post them. I may never have this many quince again. Big Grin

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  Habit tracking!
Posted by: Veggie - 17-10-2022, 10:18 PM - Replies (10)

The Student Planner I picked up recently has one section that spoke to me - Habit tracking record pages. Its just a page to list the habits you'd like to have and 31 squares for every day of the month to tick off if you achieve them.
I've read elsewhere that, if you can adopt a habit for 30 days, it will stick and become part of your normal way of life. Does anyone want to join me in tracking a new habit? 
Ideas also sought for good new habits. All I can think of at the moment are:-
Sow seeds every day
Take cuttings every day.
Eat something from the garden daily.
Hoover somewhere
Go for a walk whatever the weather.

Suggestions welcome. Big Grin

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  Tomato ring culture
Posted by: JJB - 17-10-2022, 10:22 AM - Replies (6)

Because P is replacing some of the floor in the shed I had to have a bit of a sort out to expose the floor. I found a packet of old but in good condition Fyba ring culture pots. Basically floppy pots with no bottoms.  I see they recommend using them with growbags.  The query is:  are they of any benefit placed on the gh border soil that is dug down to  say 2ft?  If so I'll experiment next season, if not they'll probably get shoved back into  the hidey hole they came from Smile

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  Something to muse upon
Posted by: JJB - 15-10-2022, 08:51 AM - Replies (8)

Names........and why

Browsing our tablets while having our morning coffee in you do, P came across something that tweaked his interest. 'Have you ever climbed a Graham'?  Now in all  my years I'm not sure I've even met  Graham, let alone attempted to climb him!

SC may have an inkling of what I'm talking about (that's a clue folks)

So the first question is, what the dickens am I talking about, and the second is WHY?

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  What’s in your pocket
Posted by: Small chilli - 14-10-2022, 09:25 AM - Replies (16)

So boys & girls when you put your trousers into the wash, what do you empty out of your pockets?

Mine looks like this  Blush .


 Things at the bottom of the pile you can’t see. Loose change, another 2 pencils, builders chalk. Plus keys & phone which go straight into the next set of pockets.  Not forgetting the usual sawdust, rust, bits of rubbish and fluff that always finds it’s way into my pocket. Does anyone else turn pockets inside out, into a bin before putting in the washing machine? 

What you got?

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