The none recommendations
Posted by: Small chilli - 04-07-2020, 10:08 AM - Replies (10)

This may be a little controversial. My none recommendation is The Vegetable & Herb Expert. Granted it’s not a new book some of it’s content and ideas are very dated. First published in 1998 and updated in 2001 (I have the updated version) My main reason for removing this from the bookshelf is it’s comments about Chillies (I’m very protective of my chillies). Some of which are blatant lies and if I’m not mistaken a touch of racism!!!!!


The other thing is it confused me. After looking through it yesterday trying to find an answer for someone’s tomato problem. Well see what you think. To be far this advice could be 100% correct, it would explain why I’m not very good at growing tomatoes. Get it wet , Don’t get it wet.......... make your mind up!


I’m sure a lot of what in this book is sound information. I was just surprised ( after not reading it for a very long time) at how dated some of it is.

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  Number of trusses?
Posted by: JJB - 03-07-2020, 08:31 PM - Replies (37)

I believe the recommended no. of trusses on indoor tomatoes is six and outdoors four.  How many trusses for a  a double stemmed GH plant?  Still six?

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  Broad beans plants but few pods
Posted by: Mark_Riga - 03-07-2020, 12:04 PM - Replies (12)

I sowed the broad beans at end of Feb. and planted out early April. They have grown well and I nipped the tops off when some blackfly arrived. Then I left them to it. I had a look at them Yesterday and there are very few pods at all.

Has anyone else had this. The only thing I can think of is the late frost in May. Is there any other possible cause?

I usually leave the beans to dry on the plant and use them in making humous. Still got plenty from last year so not a disaster but worrying - it reduces my safety stocks.

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  Could you describe another as an animal
Posted by: Mikey - 02-07-2020, 11:27 PM - Replies (30)

The multipeople threads, and V’s tortoise fetish got me thinking. If you could describe another person in animal terms how would you imagine them, this is not intended to be rude or to offend, it’s just an amusing view into your imaginations. 

Veggie, I can’t imagine you as a tortoise, to me you are more a cross between a flamingo and an owl. Something I’m now calling a flaming owl, as spell checker corrected my Flamingowl Smile 

To me you are wise like an owl, yet colourful and gregarious like a flamingo. 

Feel free to imagine someone here or out there in the world or even imagine oneself.  The more obscure and amusing the better. Fictional animals are also allowed, no restrictions. Keep it light hearted though. Wink

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  The 6-Pack Plan!
Posted by: Veggie - 02-07-2020, 07:58 PM - Replies (11)

We're half way through 2020 i and its time for a new Plan/Challenge to myself and anyone else who'd like to join me in growing their own 6-Pack. Wink

The aim is to sow seeds of a Root, shoot, fruit and leaf every week in a 6 module pack (or 6 pots or 6 anythings). 
Who's that in the back? What did you say - "There's only 4 things?" Glad you asked - the other 2 are for a herb and a flower.

Just a few seeds in each module - for example a few beetroot (Root); a pinch of spring onions (Shoot); a couple of peas (Fruit); a few cabbage seeds (Leaf), some parsley (Herb) and Calendula (Flower).

I'm hoping that I won't feel overwhelmed by pricking out/potting on/planting out if I have small quantities to deal with at any time. Some of the modules could be planted out intact in the GH or ground, depending on the time of year. Also regular sowings of small quantities will avoid gluts and ensure continuity of cropping - that's the theory anyway.Wink

I'll start this weekend. Smile
You're welcome to join me!!

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  Did someone have a birthday yesterday Bren?
Posted by: Admin - 02-07-2020, 06:50 PM - Replies (15)

Belated birthday wishes Bren Smile

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  Plot 53
Posted by: Admin - 02-07-2020, 06:21 PM - Replies (32)

The biggest challenge yet!


After a bit of work and some cankered tree removal



Thats as far as I got before needing a minor opp on my back earlier this year, I have grand designs in my head though...

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  Plot 54
Posted by: Admin - 01-07-2020, 06:50 PM - Replies (6)

This plot was a tad more overgrown!


I found the fence when clearing the undergrowth


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  Flower ID...self seeder (Francoa sonchifolia)
Posted by: Scarlet - 01-07-2020, 02:02 PM - Replies (6)

A friend has just sent me this - she thinks it's self seeded. I have t got a clue.
Did a bit of googling - anyone know what it is?

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Posted by: Broadway - 01-07-2020, 11:06 AM - Replies (10)

Morning Folks

I'm sort of experimenting this year and have an area where I’ve sown a mishmash of different seeds.
With this in mind can I ask does this look like parsnip growth to you, sorry never grown them before! 

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