Poetic licence with food
Posted by: Veggie - 31-12-2023, 07:04 PM - Replies (8)

Don't you love the way that ready meals are described by the supermarkets. Can you guess what I'll be eating tonight from the following description (minus a few key words Wink)? The number of ........ has no relevance to the actual words!

"Our  chef's gently steam ................ ............ until tender and drape them in a silky ........ .......... ............. ............ infused with earthy ............ ............ Garnished with a  scattering of ........... ............. for the finishing touch."

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  Multi sowing a module
Posted by: Veggie - 30-12-2023, 10:54 PM - Replies (4)

Have you tried sowing several seeds in each module? I don't mean sowing seeds of the same variety but seeds of different varieties that would compliment each other in their growing spot. For example you might sow a lettuce, spring onion and parsley in the same module or beetroot, chives and rocket.  If they all germinate, they're planted out together. If only two germinate, its still good. 
If they're seeds that crop at different times its a bonus. 
What do you think? Plan or No Plan?

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  Happy birthday Boss
Posted by: JJB - 28-12-2023, 10:13 AM - Replies (8)

Have a great day. Birthdays at this time of year must be a bit of a let down as a kid, as many people combine the present with Christmas. Hope yours got remembered separately Boss.

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  Eat your Christmas Tree!
Posted by: Veggie - 27-12-2023, 06:41 PM - Replies (21)

Yes, really! Its not a joke. 

Wonder how long it would take to eat a tree?? https://www.permaculture.co.uk/articles/...tmas-tree/

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  2024 - the Garden Balance Sheet
Posted by: Veggie - 27-12-2023, 02:00 PM - Replies (64)

A thread to record what you've spent on gardening and the value of the crops you've grown in 2024. 
There are no rules, do it in anyway that works for you. 
Its not a competition, just a way to get an idea of how much you spend on seeds, compost, plants, sundries and structures compared to the value of the food or other crops that your garden gives you in return. 
Feel free to share the ways in which you are measuring the costs and benefits. All the more ideas the better. Big Grin
I suggest we post our Balance Sheet at the end of each month to keep an eye on it!

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  £5 Christmas Hamper
Posted by: Veggie - 20-12-2023, 04:20 PM - Replies (20)

As you must know by now, I go to a Food Share Pantry where I pick up a box of food for £5. The contents will be leftover items from shops and warehouses, usually on the verge of being out of date. This week, the Pantry organisers are going shopping for items to fill a Christmas Hamper which will cost members £5. Members had to order and pay in advance so that they knew how much stuff to buy. Needless to say, I've ordered one.  
My question to you is - what do you think will be in my Christmas Hamper? This is all I know :-

Christmas Bonus Hamper for existing members only.  The contents will vary but we will be group-purchasing some extra nice bits and bobs for a Merrier Christmas.

I'm collecting it on Saturday so the answer will be revealed then. 

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  Wood ash
Posted by: Small chilli - 13-12-2023, 09:51 PM - Replies (9)

Is wood ash good for fruit trees or did I make that up ? 

If it is good how do I use it? Just scatter it around the base of the trees?

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  Radio Times
Posted by: Veggie - 12-12-2023, 08:36 PM - Replies (3)

I've just seen that the Christmas edition of the Radio Times is on sale now.
This may be a sign of age (yes OK, it is) but there was a time when we really looked forward to getting a copy from the newsagent. We'd mark it up with any programmes that we really wanted to watch, or set the video for, and get upset if we missed anything! 
For today's young uns, with the internet and Iplayer and all sorts of ways to find out what's on the box, it must be hard to comprehend the simple pleasures that we had, poring over the Radio Times!

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Posted by: Small chilli - 10-12-2023, 10:26 AM - Replies (6)

I may of started a thread like this before (I can’t find it if I did ) .

Permaculture fascinates me. I think I love the principles of it. I really need to know more/everything about it. 
I’m thinking it might be the way forward for my new veg garden. 

So can those that already do garden in this way please explain it ( as if talking to a 4 year old ( and not a very bright one  Wink )) . How you go about everything. 
Also any books, blogs, websites , celeb gardeners that you can point me towards .

In my head it’s all your veg planted together with lots of herbs & companion flowers. Planted big blocks.  I’ve always wondered how do I get to stuff that’s really for harvest in the middle without crushing other plants. And what else gets done. It’s not just that simple is it? 
You see this is why I need help  Blush .

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Big Grin In, Out, In, Out Nutty Plan
Posted by: Veggie - 05-12-2023, 08:05 PM - Replies (15)

The one you've all been waiting for - my next Nutty Plan.  Rolleyes

Every time I go out into the garden I take with me some seeds, find a little spot of bare soil and scatter the seeds...................BUT I can't return to the house empty-handed. I have to pick something, edible or not, as part of the Nutty Plan. 
As you may know, I have lots of seeds, some of which will never make it to my "Must sow" list so this is my way of giving them a chance of life. I'm thinking of a shoebox sized patch of ground, nothing too big or requiring much clearance. Also, I wont worry about it being the right time of year to sow them, it'll be their choice whether they grow or not!

Veggie sits back and awaits the comments. Big Grin

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