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When I originally moved to my present plot I set up a diary on another forum. This is my second full season on the plot. Now this forum is established I thought I may as well continue my aid to memory here. Cool
If I can find the original piccies from when I took over the plot I will post them. I still intend posting on the other forum so if you visit you may see the same thing twice. Rolleyes

The plot is mostly planted up now and yesterday was too windy to do much. I didn't feel safe in the greenhouse so busied myself with weeding my small maincrop carrot bed. Now that they have germinated, and even though they are in a raised bed, I think I will cover them with the fine mesh I used last year with some success at keeping carrot fly off.. This mesh was bought cheaply off a well know auction site and is designed as a fly screen to cover windows. At
Because I have a bed spare I may sow a second lot of either Tendersnax or Chantenay carrots, not sure yet. Huh

I hope I haven't bored you with this first post and maybe a few piccies in the future will make the thread a bit more interesting.
I just took my life in my own hands with the these windy conditions by visiting the plot. Confused I was surprised how dry the plants were in the greenhouse, so after watering them I made a sharp exit from greenhouse as its quite unstable. I had taken gaffer tape with me in case I needed to patch it up, but only needed it to patch up the rain collector guttering to my IBC from the shed roof. Rolleyes
While I was on site I prepared the bed for my leeks. It has cardboard with about 4 inches of home made compost on top. It was just a case of chopping it finer with a spade, then going over it with a hoe and rake. I intend dibbering in the leeks fairly close together next time I am at plot.
I took the cabbage/cauli's and lettuce out of the greenhouse and into the cold frame to harden them  off.

I left the plot with a nice Durham Early Spring Cabbage for tomorrows Sunday lunch. Cool
Back  at the plot today. Sowed French Beans and Climbing French Beans in modules in greenhouse.

Started to tidy area where tomato plants will go. Old compost tipped into a bed I intend to grow carrots in.
Flippin eck, I forgot about this thread. Blush I visit the plot every day. Over the last few days I have planted my tomatoes in there final pots (10 plants) Planted one cucumber in it final pot.

All four courgettes are now planted out

All onions planted and one bed of leeks

My comfery tube is now producing tea. I managed to get some on my hands today and stunk the greenhouse out watering plants with it.

Managed to get my IBC filled today so not so desperate for it to rain. Stuff still to do is sow some more various kale, pot on my chillies to final pots 
French beans and climbing French beans are just starting to germinate so I need to find a place for those.

What else, oh yes I want to stick a few more spuds in and the lettuce is just about ready to plant out.

I think that will just about do so TTFN. Smile
Visited plot this morning to put a bag of weeds I had dug at home (mainly to get worms for fishing, but progressed with my new driveway to make ready for laying paving flags.) Blush
Glad to see my French beans both climbing and normal have germinated in a tray in the greenhouse. I was just about ready to give up on them and re-sow. Rolleyes
Watered indoor stuff but purposely didn't water the chillies Habanero and mixed which were damp as I believe they prefer to be a bit on the dry side? Huh
I went on to do a bit of shopping and was pleased to find that Aldi had some bags of compost in at a reasonable price. I don't need to re-pot my chillies into a mixture of old and new compost now. Cool
Finally got round to potting up my twelve chillie plants into their final pots. Cool As soon as I stepped into the greenhouse the heavens opened so I thought what better place to be. Big Grin
The veg on the plot will enjoy the rain, but it will take a lot more to soak it completely.

I finished weeding the carrots and the parsnips with a view to covering the carrots with enviromesh next time I am at plot.

I still have loads to sow but also need to figure out where all the stuff is going to go. I can probably get away with sowing stuff in pots then deciding where I am going to put them but veg like turnips and carrots will need to be sown direct.

Tomorrow is another day.
Hailstones were bouncing off the car when I arrived at the allotment and I had to wait for it to ease before getting out of the car. Dodgy

Managed to get from the car to my greenhouse before it stated again.   Sorted my seeds out and sowed all my old packets of various kale into a large pot. Also sowed old PSB seed into another large pot. Both of these were placed outside as their was no need to take up greenhouse space.
It was sun and hail showers but during a lull I managed to weed and rake down a bed which consisted mainly of last years potting compost. Into this I sowed all the carrot seed I had which was mainly Nantes into three rows. Wink
Whilst it wasn't raining I managed to erect a wigwam of canes for my climbing French beans which are just starting to break through the compost in the green house.

The next plan was to sow some Purple Top Milan turnips direct. This wasn't possible because it had started to hailstone again. Rolleyes In the past I have had some success with module sown Swedes so I thought I would try the turnips. 30 modules sown with a pinch in each as a trial but I may still sow some direct when the weather is better.

I finished off by hoeing the weeds on the  whole plot but with the soil being so wet I am not optimistic that the weeds won't re-root.(eek)
I've finally found some piccies of the plot when I got it.......not a pretty sight. Confused And one after I had strimmed it. Big Grin
I remember seeing these pictures somewhere beforeSmile
(06-06-2020, 05:04 PM)Broadway Wrote: [ -> ]I remember seeing these pictures somewhere beforeSmile
I've just been back on the old site and pillaged them as the originals were deleted. Idea
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