..........or tears in your pants.
17 inch then 34 inch ad infinitum down the edge of the cental-ish path should give me beds of roughly 2 feet and paths of 1 foot if angled at 45% methinks? Or has the hippopotamus dropped a clanger?
20" and 40" may be a bit better. Give you an extra 2" for your big feet (must be big if your stride is a metre) and the beds would be about 28".
(25-01-2021, 09:39 PM)Mark_Riga Wrote: [ -> ]20" and 40" may be a bit better. Give you an extra 2" for your big feet (must be big if your stride is a metre) and the beds would be about 28".
Easier to remember I spose.
A 14 inch path is standard in market gardening,or so I believe.
While I was at the plot the other day I was looking at my existing raised beds and wondering what to do with them?
I'm sure lots of the sites plot holders would be very happy to take them off me, but then I had another idea.
Veggie mentioned she just chucks a scaffold board down where she wants to walk. These raised beds are each about as wide as a scaffold board and the 10 or so beds I have when opened up should cover a goodly proportion of my paths? I could lay cardboard down to the required width (probably 12 inch) and then throw a board on top to keep the cardboard down and make a path.
Allotment gardening is all about using what you have and this could just work? Ok they may get a bit 'greasy' in wet weather, but i can live with that.
Can't wait to make a start as my mojo is brightening as the weather brightens.
Vinny, I saw this aerial photo of the Double Walled Garden at the National Botanic Garden of Wales................and thought of you.
4 different ways to layout a plot. I like the top right one for a plot - like the rays of a sun, dawning on a new year.
Veggie, will you stop giving me dilemma's
Interesting layouts but I have to stop changing my mind and in the words of the first Nike advert
That's not me btw!
Just do it then Vinny.....................and do it again next year
I don't really want to draw the plan out and I would rather just blag it direct onto the soil of the plot but if i work on 12 large paces by 7 large paces on the right side of my plot this would give me roughly 19 beds and paths of varying lengths.Only the first 5 lengths would be full length tho, roughly 13m/yd long.
I am just using this thread as an aid to memory so I apologise for boring everyone
I am hoping the finished result won't give me a headache looking at it
I think I will concentrate on the five full length beds and paths first and see how the plot evolves from there. That way the beds that are already in use don't need to be disassembled until the crops are taken out.