(03-05-2023, 08:38 PM)doublyjonah Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks, Vinny. That's my great debate. You can buy even more expensive Enviromesh that is biodegradable, apparently. I'll need to decide soon as everything is wanting to go out soon!
Look forward to seeing the plot as the season progresses. I followed your previous plot on a different forum a million years ago 
You will remeber then that we did a test of different coloured debri netting? Most people go for green but we found blue was better for veg growth and red was better for flower growth methinks. Of course you can get black, yellow and white debri netting as well!

I wonder if there's different qualities of Debris netting? I bought mine June 2012 its used every year and still going strong
I've made a brassica cage, a strawberry and pea cover then shading for my GH.
(04-05-2023, 10:49 AM)Bren Wrote: [ -> ]I wonder if there's different qualities of Debris netting? I bought mine June 2012 its used every year and still going strong
I've made a brassica cage, a strawberry and pea cover then shading for my GH.
I think you maybe right Bren, problem is, you don't know what the quality is unti you get it!

Some claims to be UV stabilised, but I imagine the colour and weight also make a difference.
Spent a happy couple of hours at plot today after Barre and Abs Smasher in the morning (Shirt off weather!)
Weeded and dug over another bed.
Hoed and raked another bed and planted about 70 Stuttgarter onion sets.
Finished the afternoon by digging up some huge parsnips which I gave away to another plot holder as I still have some to dig.
Progresed a little bit more at plot today.Not very warm weather but I was quite warm by the time I finished.
Dug up remaining leeks and weeded bed.
Planted two lots of tatties using a bulb planter in in pre prepared bed.
Cleared a brassica bed and planted leeks in it. Also planted remaining leeklets in an area vacated by parsnips.Watered dibbered leeks before leaving.
Harvested a load of rhubarb
Pulled up the remaining parsnips from another bed.
Did a bit of general hand weeding.
On agenda next time is to plant out some of the brassicas from seedbed which are nearly at transplantable size, and possibly do a few greenhouse repairs!
Enjoyed a couple of hours in the sunshine at the plot today.
I transplanted kale from seedbed to final positions in a pre-prepared bed. Because I had loads, I planted in clumps and once established I will thin to a single plant per station.
I hand weeded a bed then tickled it over with fork and raked level. Into this I planted a packet of green french beans and a pacet of yellow frenshies.
This was followed by loads of hand weeding, hoeing weeds and setting up another bed ready for planting.
Everything I planted was given a good wateing and I covered the frenchies with a sheet of glass until they germinate.
A very short visit to the plot today on the way back from the gym. Called in mainly to water the transplanted kale but while I was there I hoed off a couple of weedy paths. Probably about 1/2 an hour spent at most.
Pulled up all but one of the Austurian tree cabbage.I have left one and may try and harvest some seed. (I know you are supposed to use a few plants, but hey ho, it's just an experiment.
Another 1.75 hrs in the sunshine at the plot.
Dug over a bed and raked level. Planted sweetorn direct then after watering in covered bed with a llarge sheet of glass. Lifted glass and watered Frenchies which haven't germinated yet then replaced glass. Watered transplanted kale plants and leeks.
Weeded and pulled up PSB from another bed then dug over , raked & planted the last of my yellow and red onion sets. (Bit late I know, but they have two chances!)

Hand weeded my strawberry patch, again!
Finished off by weilding the hoe to a couple of my diagonal paths and left the weeds on the surface to dry out.
Jobs done today!
Planted out Calabrese from nursery bed
Raked up wilted weeds from diagonal paths that were hoed days ago
Hoed off another path
Did some hand weeding.
Planted some spuds that have more chance in the soil than on the window sill!
A few piccies of plot below,