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I have been to the plot quite a few times since my last post, I just haven't recorded it.

I did take the seeded leeks up as they would just deplete nutrients. After weeding the beds I planted more leeks. The Japs are now harvested and in the two beds where they were I now have beetroot and savoy cabbage.

Today I harvested the remaining Japanese onions from another bed and planted it up with brussel sprouts. I also planted up my failed carrot bed with Kohl Rabi. The pigeons have been hammering my Savoy seedlin so I put a plastic pint glass over each of them to try and protect the growing tip.

I did loads of hand weeding and put down some cardboard on paths. I was also given another 4 bags of wood chip so that went down on paths also.
I sowed a few turnips where the slugs and snails had wiped out my previous seedlings. This time I added slug pellets.

I came away with a white cabbage, some immature spring cabbage for greens,some onions and a punnet of ripe strawberries. The straw berries have been one of my successes this year along with the onions.
Cripes, is it that long since I posted? I have been visiting plot every couple of days but sometimes just to water stuff in greenhouse. I spent a while there yesterday but was dismayed to find my goosegogs had been pillaged by someone. I know it was someone and not some thing because of foot marks all over plot. Not a great miss I must admit and at least they caused very little damage.

Weeded another onion bed yesterday and at last my courgettes have started fruiting giving me seven courgettes. Left hand side of the plot is reasonably tidy now so need to concentrate on the right hand side from now on.

Anyway, must go now as my dog is sitting giving me the stary eyes as he wants to go for a poo!

Back at plot today and took a few piccies! Cool

First one is a view from the bottom of the left side of my plot which is fairly tidy. I put grass cuttings around savoy cabbages, beetroot and leeks. Smile
Next piccie is the bed I was going to harvest the Golden Bear onions from. It was full of weeds but the onions didn't seem to mind! The onions I harvested are in the next piccie beside the Autumn planted ones which have dried off and are being used. Cool

Next piccie is bed after onions have been harvested and hand weeded. After that is the same bed covered in cardboard followed by a deep layer of hay.
It was then I decided to do the bed beside it so weeded, cardboard applied again and hay on top. Rolleyes

Not a bad couple of hours spent methinks. No idea what I will put in those beds but I will think of summat! Big Grin

Oops forgot to mention, I had forgot I had planted some soup celery in the plot and pulled one out before I realised. A few leaves in a soup is all that's required to give that distinctive celery taste.
Looking good, Vinny. Smile
Are you pleased with your Fishbone plan now?
(10-08-2021, 10:11 PM)Veggie Wrote: [ -> ]Looking good, Vinny. Smile
Are you pleased with your Fishbone plan now?
I love it Veggie....its a keeper! Cool

I have had quite a bit on my plate this year and haven't been able to donate the time I would have liked to the plot. I have a bit more time on my hands now so should be able to do it justice. The 14 inch paths and  2 foot beds have been a revelation to work on and the fishbone pattern on half the plot is just summat a bit different and has worked a treat. Combining this with my use of cardboard should eventually lead to a fruitful and easier to manage plot.
I still need to get a wood chip delivery to do it justice and make it look tidier, but apart from that I have had decent crops and some of the longer beds lend themselves to growing various crops in the same bed.
That's great, Vinnie. Its not often a plan works out well - not for me, anyway. Smile
Looking great Vinny
(11-08-2021, 07:48 PM)Veggie Wrote: [ -> ]That's great, Vinnie. Its not often a plan works out well - not for me, anyway. Smile
My Aztec/Inca inspired plot was supposed to be my lifetime allotment plot but retirement and a house move put paid to that! Rolleyes I don't think I will be moving house soon so hopefully I can give this plot my full attention and see it through to fruition. Smile
Fond memories of the Aztec/Inca plot but a Fish one works for me now! Does it have a "head" yet?
(12-08-2021, 03:08 PM)Veggie Wrote: [ -> ]Fond memories of the Aztec/Inca plot but a Fish one works for me now! Does it have a "head" yet?
Its still only half a fish veggie as I have only herringboned one side. That's the way its going to stay as well for the time being las it is too much work to change it! Rolleyes
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