Heath Robinson hasn't got a look in.
Walked Kato to the allotment this morning armed with a roll of Gaffer tape. Rain forecast for later and I need every bit of liquid gold I can get my hands on so made a temporary fix (invariably these temporary fixes become permanent!)
(18-06-2023, 10:42 AM)Vinny Wrote: [ -> ]Heath Robinson hasn't got a look in. Walked Kato to the allotment this morning armed with a roll of Gaffer tape. Rain forecast for later and I need every bit of liquid gold I can get my hands on so made a temporary fix (invariably these temporary fixes become permanent!)
A very fine construction, all it needs to do is work.
Many youngsters wouldn't know who Heath Robinson was. I loved his drawings. I've a book of his somewhere I must have a rummage.
I thought "liquid gold" was self-generated - not water!! I'm trying not to imagine you peeing into that contraption.
Took my thick welding gloves and a pair of secatuers to the plot for a spot of heavy duty weeding!
Wid blackberry canes were trying to take over the back of the greenhouse. I wasn't oging to bother with the greenhouse this year so things got a bit out of hand. It doesn't help that half the glass has been blown out allowing weeds to take over. Hacked away and managed to vacate all the thorny stuff.
The six late tomato plants I aquired from a car boot sale were finally planted out into there final positions in large pots, and watered in.
I then tackled the jungle that had grown in my old runner bean area. After taking down the canes from last year I pulled up all the large weeds. I don't want to waste this area because I put a lot into it's preparation last year and I know it's good well mucked loam (Used to be a compost heap)
With all that done, I was absolutely manky so left for home and a much needed shower!
Had to go to the plot to drop off a couple of fence posts I scrounged and they will do to replace rotten ones in my allotment fence.
Of course, while I was there I couldn't just drop them off and leave!
Started by hoe-ing the thickest of weeds off my old bean trench, then digging it over. I have ordered Mooli,new late planting swede seed (supposedly) and spinach seeds to plant in the bed. I couldn't rake it level as it was raining (quite refeshing actually) and will rake it level before sowing the seeds, when they come! Supposed to be on 24 hour delivery, that was three days ago!
Bed roughly 6 foot wide and 8 foot long (piccie below)
Forgot to mention, before that I harvested the strawberries which were ripe! (Piccie below) I also took the biggest strawbeey to Helens grave as she always got the first one, and I had plenty, so why not!
After that I removed all netting from brassicas and hoped the flying rats leave then alone. I then utilised the tool I seem to use most, the hoe! I hoed most of the paths then did the obligatory hand weeding that is a never ending chore. I say 'chore', but I really don't mind it, it's my back that complains!
Back at allotment today and ws surprised to find I was the only one there?
The main reason I was there was because my 24 hr delivery of seeds had finally arrived after three days!
Raked the bed I was preparing yesterday and sowed two rows of 'Tweed' Swede's & two rows of Perpetual Spinach with a little trampled path in betwen.
In another trapezoid bed, after digging out the few self sprouted potatoes from last year, I sowed 3 rows of Mooli. All newly sown seed rows were then watered in.
I then did quite a bit of hand weeding of beds and hoeing of paths (a never ending task)
My main path was looking scruffy so I chopped away weeds at joints of paving slabs and gave it a brush. I had been to a gym workout before I was at plot so still had my gym shoes on. It wasn't until I got home I realised how lucky I had been with a nail sticking up somewhere on the plot!
(Piccie of shoe below along with prepared beds and brushed path!)
It’s all looking good Vinny. You were lucky with that nail! I know from experience, it’s a tad uncomfortable having a nail sticking in the bottom of your foot! It’s also a little disconcerting when you lift your foot up and the thing you’re stood on comes up with it!
Our old dog buried a bit of 2x1 in his bed in the back porch with a 3” nail in it. I stood on his bed to get something because I had no shoes on. Thought to myself ouch what was that. Lifted my foot and the dogs blanket came up attached to my foot
. I never did let our old dog forget that, I never stood on his bed again either
. He did have a excellent sense of humour
Somebody was looking after you with that nail> Ouch!
Back at plot after an early morning gym workout. As usual only called in because it's on way home.As usual I was the only one there.As usual, stopped for an hour when I only intended watering a few things!
After watering and scranning a few strawberries I set to and hand weeded some onion beds. A back breaking job and best done in small increments methinks.
Looks a bit tidier anyway and have earmarked the next bed to weed (see photo) Pleased to see thate ven though the bulk of my red onions have bolted I still have quite a few nearing fruition!
All weeds were left on the pathways to 'kizzle' in the sun. Last piccie is of bed still to weed.