Posted by: JJB - 14-05-2023, 07:06 PM - Replies (2)

P and I  are going oooh and aaah ATM. From our dining room window we look down on the railway embankment. We occasionally see Muntjac deer grazing but this evening before dinner we looked out and saw a Roe deer together with it's baby. Little one still had its camouflage stripes but was old enough to play a little way from mum. Unfortunately they are too far away for a picture but we've been watching through binoculars absolutely mesmerised.  We haven't seen Roe deer for ages.

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  Yet another ID
Posted by: JJB - 14-05-2023, 05:28 PM - Replies (11)

Someone on our local Next door site is asking if this is a weed. I haven't a clue, any ideas? The picture isn't great though.


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  Another ID?
Posted by: Scarlet - 12-05-2023, 12:27 PM - Replies (5)

Ive got this labeled as star frost echinops -
I dont think it is?

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  Id please
Posted by: Farendwoman - 11-05-2023, 03:44 PM - Replies (7)

Any ideas please??

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  Giving Up On Gooseberries
Posted by: toomanytommytoes - 10-05-2023, 04:16 PM - Replies (19)

I bought one each of Hinnonmaki Red and Hinnonmaki Green from Aldi maybe 3 or 4 years ago. They actually both turned out to be Red but whatever. The sawfly found them in the first year and every year since. I have them in pots due to lack of space in the ground. I think this year is the earliest I've seen sawfly on them. I knew they were there and had picked off a few leaves with tiny caterpillars on, with the intention of spraying the plant with neem and soap before they got out of hand. Then a few days later they've gone from looking really healthy and covered with foliage, to skeletal and almost leafless in the photo. There's also scale insects on some branches. 

I don't really like gooseberries that much and they're difficult to handle due to the spikes, but the flowers are good early forage for bees. 

Can anyone convince me to keep these gooseberry plants before I chuck them in the green bin?

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  Pond plants
Posted by: Scarlet - 08-05-2023, 07:53 PM - Replies (5)

I've a few pond lilies, some water iris, a red stemmed thing.... but would love some more flowers and also some trailing plants. My pond is above ground, so something that would hand over the sides would be lively. I have lots of the oxygenating plants, water soldiers and some other bits. I dont have fish.but I have loads of water snails... would love something that attracts some dragonflies. Any ideas....

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  Is this a weed
Posted by: Farendwoman - 08-05-2023, 11:34 AM - Replies (4)

Do you all think that this is a weed?
Really hope that it is . I thought it was self sown euphorbia but there’s no milky sap. 
It’s taking up too much space and I’ve got some alstroemeria that I want to plant in its place.

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  Cabbages & Kales
Posted by: Can the Man - 07-05-2023, 08:33 PM - Replies (2)

I planted out my cabbages and kales over the last few weeks, they seem to be struggling a bit.



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  Raspberry Hedge
Posted by: Can the Man - 07-05-2023, 08:26 PM - Replies (1)

Earlier this year I had a good cut back on my raspberry canes and formed a nice straight hedge which hopefully I will be able to net easily later when the fruit appear. Just a quick photo


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  Early May Snapshot
Posted by: Veggie - 06-05-2023, 10:51 PM - Replies (16)

Not a photo but a Snapshot of your progress in the garden/plot so far. Are you on track?

I thought I was way behind, blaming the weather, but its not so bad after all.
I've planted Onion sets, mangetout, CFB, Broad beans, cucumbers, some tomatoes and courgettes. The direct-sown carrots, leeks and beetroot are emerging and I have red cabbage and tomatoes waiting to be planted out. Also have leeks and beetroot in modules waiting for action (mine).
I need to sow lettuce and various salad leaves, more beans, courgettes and squash, outdoor cucumbers, peas or mangetout, kale.
Undecided about whether to grow parsnips, turnips or any other roots. I don't have much joy with carrots either. Roots and I don't get on too well. 
Potatoes will be bunged in somewhere but not grown seriously. 

I'm sure I've overlooked something but, if I can grow everything I've listed, I'll be a happy little chicken.

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