A Staffie on holiday.
Posted by: Neffa - 08-06-2020, 04:53 PM - Replies (7)

Maggie the old saggy on holiday with the 3 year old Shadow. They are on Bens bed.

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  Flower ID please (Campanula +)
Posted by: Jimny14 - 08-06-2020, 03:17 PM - Replies (6)

I've tried a few searches but currently drawing a blank, please could someone tell me what this is called please? My mother in law is equally scratching her head. 

It's the white one behind the iris that has gone over .


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  Elder flower cordial
Posted by: Mark_Riga - 08-06-2020, 02:41 PM - Replies (3)

I've just tried making elder flower cordial for the first time this morning. Some of the flowers turned brown when I added them. Anyone know if this is usual?

Recipie suggested adding citric acid which I don't have. Not sure if this is really needed. So just had sugar, flowers and lemons.

I'll see what it tastes like this time tomorrow.

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  First swallows to fledge
Posted by: Mark_Riga - 08-06-2020, 01:23 PM - Replies (6)

This little chappie followed me into a shed and got stuck by the window. I removed the cobwebs from his feet and let him fly off, which he did very well considering he only started flying today.


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  Harvesting lettuce leaves
Posted by: doublyjonah - 07-06-2020, 09:07 PM - Replies (3)

Hi all,

I'm growing some lettuces from a bargain grocery store seed multipack Smile The varieties were iceberg, little gem, and lollo rossa. I know some lettuce are meant to form heads and others are loose leaf. Is there any reason we couldn't take leaves from all the plants if we don't care about them forming full heads?


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  New Allotment / New Allotmenteer.
Posted by: Geraldine - 07-06-2020, 11:01 AM - Replies (10)

Had to Google the title, wasn't sure if 'allotmenteer' was actually a real word and not just a made up one, the more I looked at it the stranger it seemed.  Smile

Anyway.....recently got the keys to a new plot, just a little one but I think it's a good starter size for me considering how unfit I presently am.

I wanted to start from scratch and remove everything that was already there and a lovely fellow plot holder and her husband did an initial dig over for me and removed pretty much all the rubbish. I wanted to have a small paved area to sit at, I was happy to lose a bit of growing ground for this purpose and I can always put things in pots here if needs be. The original path was very wobbly and the scaffolding edging was all rotten and crumbling so all that had to be removed, thankfully it was easy enough due to the condition of it.

The plot has wire fencing on 3 sides and a wooden fence and gate which again was in bad condition and just collapsed when the gate was opened. I pulled it down and built a new one and although it's not perfect, I think it looks much much better. I've still to build the gate as I'm waiting to get the area slabbed first, it'll be easier that way.

The other plot holders are all lovely and many of them have helped me get started, whether that is digging or donating their surplus plants. I have to admit to being absolutely exhausted after a very short space of time at the plot, simply because my fitness levels are in my boots but I'm enjoying it and looking forward to the days when things start to feel easier.

So, here are a few pics to be going on with. There's not too much growing yet as I wanted all the tough stuff out the way first even if that meant missing the growing season for a lot of things.



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Big Grin Well hello there.......:)
Posted by: Geraldine - 07-06-2020, 10:27 AM - Replies (20)

Got my nice new account and my nice new user name to go with it.  Smile

My real name isn't Geraldine but I recently met a new person at the allotment who can't seem to see me as anything other than a Geraldine so I'm going with the flow just because I can't for the life of me come up with a decent new user name and I've been staring at the screen for ages! Worries me a bit that she thinks I look like Peter Kay though!!  Rolleyes

You can call me GG for short if you like. (Huge clue!!!) xx

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  Lily bulbs
Posted by: Admin - 07-06-2020, 09:57 AM - Replies (13)

This my first year of growing lilies, not a great fan personally but the OH likes them. My question is, do they multiply or are the bulbs sterile?

I have no idea of the type as it was a mixed 8 pack from Wilko's.

Also does anyone have a recomendation of any varieties?

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Big Grin Seed store
Posted by: JJB - 06-06-2020, 10:02 AM - Replies (23)

If you're brave enough,  show us a picture of where and how you store your seeds.  I'll show you mine if you show me yours (after I've tidied it up a bit!)  At the moment most seeds are scattered over the spare bed.

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  Big mistake...
Posted by: doublyjonah - 05-06-2020, 03:28 PM - Replies (7)

I went to ask the internet if there were sweetcorn varieties that could be sown in June and were available for me to purchase...now I have a basket full of seeds on Premier...I keep deleting seeds that I definitely won't use til next year. But new ones keep jumping in the basket.

What was I looking for, again?

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