I now take my phone with me when I am out walking with dog to photograph anything I find interesting, or something that appeals to me with a view to getting the Acrylic paints out one day (my original retirement plan) with easel and trying to capture it on canvas.
Yes Veggie, I have had a sheltered life!
Today I got to thinking that its not only my eyes which glory in the moment, but my other senses as well.
As I get older I have learned to appreciate the sounds of the countryside as well.
1)My favourite is the crunching of the small pebbles as I stride along a country road.
2) Second is the babbling brook on a forest walk
3) The sounds of farm animals is next with cockerels, geese,cows and sheep. I particularly like the old 'Yew' sheep calling to its lamb in a 'croaky' deep tone.The lamb running and bleating in its high pitched cry.
4) Away from main roads there are a variety of bird calls (no idea which bird they emanate from) but they are captivating.The only time I took notice of birdsong was when I was on my early morning paper round as nipper. I was also a whistler and tried to copy the bird call resulting in me being better than an alarm clock for some......or so I was told!
5) Thunder is another sound I like and the pitter patter of rainfall or hail to go with it. How fresh the air feels after a thunderstorm.
I used to live close to Newcastle Airport so these sounds are a revelation to me, rather than the sound of planes taking off and landing.
Maybe age has something to do with it, I don't know, but I was never this appreciative from my late teens until now
Have I missed any sounds worth listening to? Have I missed out on some gems?
Smell also plays a part and I don't really mind the farmyard smells and the smell of wild garlic in the woods plus comb honey which is particularly appealing in the smell department.