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Full Version: 2023 - What I did today
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Yesterday was a tag team effort. I filled pots & wrote labels, my friend took cuttings and potted them.
Today another tag team effort strimming , mowing, weeding & seed saving.
Continued the never ending fight against bittercress, weeding one fruit cage yesterday and started the second today. To be continued..... as they say.
Emptied the horse manure storage bin of last year's, now well rotted, horse muck ready to put on the raspberries when they're weeded and refilled the bin with new horse muck.
Raked some paths and any other bit that I could reach with the rake. Piled all the raked out grass and weeds on the paths to be walked on and turned over to dry out. Its my version of hay-making. Dogs driving me mad, fetching windfall apples for me to throw. Apples are better than yesterday's sport - Spud caught a mouse and chewed it to a pulp!
Yesterday was a bit of tidying around the site so there’s a couple less piles to strim round.
Today started bed 3. Turf dug out drainage ditch one 1 side is dug out and started placing the stones round the edge.
Bagged the Bombay cockscomb head so I don’t lose any more seeds.
Finished bed 3 all planted up. Planted up a planter that I took the bulbs out of. Potted up some jacobs ladder seedlings. Collected seeds.
Mostly harvesting, watering/feeding and weeding.
Pegging out where tunnels will go. Started digging bed 4. Rock splitting.
Putting down old pond liner to kill the grass and weeds where I might decide to make a veg bed - might!
Raking the grass away from the edges of existing beds.
Pruning dead leaves off courgettes.
Training late sowings of CFBs and mangetout onto wire netting.
Sowing seeds in GH3 - rocket, leeks, broccoli raab and curly kale.
Measuring existing modules and seed trays prior to ordering some new ones.
More digging out bed 4 . More rock splitting.
Finished digging turf out of new bed. Started putting rocks around new bed.