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Full Version: 2023 - What I did today
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^^^ you're a tad voyeurishBig Grin
Put parsnips and peas to chit, then removed a shrub that was falling over.
As rain stopped play I sorted out carrot seeds and knowing they don't last well decided to do a viability check on some of the older ones. I've now got perhaps a dozen little bags with damp kitchen towel and carrot seeds in - and they're labelled which is a minor miracle Smile
Pricked out twenty odd of Scarlet’s giant ruffled antirrhinums.
Got high hopes of these for cutting.
Lots of internet research on all sorts of things. Finished as much as I can on barrow. Needs to go back to Bradan now to have its roof put on. Sown seeds.
Planted out Charlotte potatoes.

Sowed two varieties of carrots into one of the new no-dig beds with a row cover. They're short varieties, so I thought I'd give them a try although I've always been told not to sow carrots in the stony ground of the allotment. I've accumulated a lot of carrot seed that's getting a bit old so may as well give it a try.

Ordered a bunch of dahlias from Wilko as all my old ones have rotted due to neglect during the baby years. They're 3 for 2 at the moment, so seemed the time to go for it.

Planning to start drawing a new allotment map showing where things are actually going in.
Spent a few hours in the GH shuffling pots to try to make some room. I cant sow much more until I plant some things out but we have had lots of rain again today. Did put a tray if pink lupin in and potted on some of the rat tail statice.
Cleared the flowering ?Pakchoi from GH2 and planted some DFB there. Its rained heavily all day - I hope the tadpoles are enjoying it and not missing me.
Sown some more seed, see seed thread.

Planted some germinated spring onions.

Potted on a jerusalem artichoke and 6 spinach plants.

Forgot, also put some sweetcorn in to chit.
Loaded a trailer with garden stuff to go to the new garden. Finished emptying the carrot bed/ bath and finished potting on plants & cuttings for the new garden.