Managed to sneak a couple of hours at the plot today. Supposedly the only dry day for a few days so I was itching to get started.
Strung out another diagonal bed and another pathway. So that's three diagonal beds,three diagonal paths and one path parallel to the neighbours fence strung out.
Part of one bed was where I had previously had a bonfire so I dug the offending area over. After raking I did my first planting of 2021 which were some shallots.The areas on the beds which haven't got crops on them were covered with cardboard with a dollop of soil on each sheet to stop it blowing away.
I think I will transplant my spring cabbage onto the cardboarded parts of the beds and just cut a hole through cardboard and plant each. I need to get some cheap compost or soil to cover cardboard temporarily but I still fancy the back to Eden method of growing.
I can get fresh woodchips for paths and composted woodchips for beds but would probably have to get them delivered to my home and then bag them up to take to allotment.
The allotment track is like a swamp and I couldn't get them dumped there. Its quite hard to visualise what a pickup load of woodchips would look like and how long it would take to bag up.
Probably best to get all the beds and paths strung out first then it could go straight on.
I did take some piccies today but haven't processed them yet. Hopefully I will add a few tomorrow.