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Full Version: 2023 - How's your Weather today?
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Hot again. The weekend forecast has changed from rain to thunderstorms over the weekend. As long as there's plenty of rain with it - not just bangs and flashes.
Forecast is no rain or a torrential downpour. What is needed is steady rain for a couple of days. I hoed then watered a patch that was bone dry and thought it was well watered but was barely damp when I came to plant it out.
We've had some drizzle but not enough to do any good. Overcast and humid.
Update: drizzle has turned intoo dollopy rain, I can actually hear the drops. That's more like it!
I'm waiting for it to stop so I can remove the gh shading, it must be like night in there. We're never satisfied
No rain here, and nothing in the forecast unless we get very lucky. Everywhere is starting to go brown.
I'm watering greenhouse and pots, and a weekly soak for potatoes, onions, sweetcorn, beans; but it's not really enough. A couple of days of steady rain would be lovely, but it's not happening for the foreseeable.
Still no sign of rain or thunderstorm. Next appearance is forecast to be this evening...............please. Big Grin
(09-06-2023, 06:48 PM)Mark_Riga Wrote: [ -> ]Forecast is no rain or a torrential downpour. What is needed is steady rain for a couple of days. I hoed then watered a patch that was bone dry and thought it was well watered but was barely damp when I came to plant it out.
It can be hard to re-wet soil once it's dried out, water either runs off the surface or just stays in the top few millimetres of the soil while underneath is still dust. As you say, it needs steady watering over many days. Our link-a-bord raised beds dry out really quickly in weather like this, the plastic heats up in the sun and the soil just bakes solid. I've had to rub the water in to the top few inches of the soil by hand to get it wet again, then when it comes to planting I put quite a bit of water in the holes first.

We had the first rain for weeks last night, the water butts are full again and everything has had a nice drink. Thunderstorms again tonight and tomorrow supposedly, definitely fees like a hot and sticky storm day. Hopefully those without rain will get some soon.
No rain here although it’s been promised by weather sites a couple of times.
We had rain last night. Lovely and hot again now. Will still have to water tonight.
Its been raining...........for about 5 minutes. That's the time it took me to fill all the watering cans from the water butts, clean the leaves out of the GH gutters and carry a big plastic trough thing down to the old pond to catch some water for the courgettes. As soon as I did that, the rain stopped!!
Maybe there'll be more?
Aaaand after I complain about the lack of rain, what happens? A couple of nice heavy thunderstorms this afternoon!

It's not enough, but it's a welcome respite from the endless sunshine.
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