Can't believe it's been that long since I posted on this thread!

I have been visiting te plot now and again but didn't do anything noteworthy.
Today that changed! I had a good couple of hours in the sunshine then got home and it snowed.
I noticed my elephat garlic was showing above ground with no misses in the rows from what I could see. The autumn onion sets I planted late under glass are romping away.The sets I planted early are romping away without cover. The sets I planted LATE without cover are not doing well at all!
My other garlic iis showing above ground as well.
Today I planted all my broad beans,aquadaulce and my dearly departed dads favourite Bunyards exhibition.The first lot I have covered with a large pane of glsss so I will be abale to make comparisons with the uncovers beans. I would have taken photographs of achievement but I had forgotten my phone.
The bed of The Sutton planted in the Autum were a failure with only two beans left growing. All had germinated but succumbed to the frost. This bed I tidied and oversowed with Bunyards then covered with glass.
I took up the remains of useable beetroot and un-usable turnips and after hand weeding the bed raked it level.I them planted 25 Bunyards and 10 Aquadulce beans which wit hte other bed of 25 Bunyards should be enough broadies for me!

The kale and PSB have been decimated by the pigeons who not only ate the leaves but the florets as well.

On a happier note the Austurian tree cabbage which I have grown because of pigeon predation (a friend of mine grew it with no bother from pigeons) has flourished and there are lots of useable leaves available!

I have no idea why pigeons dont like it as the leaves are more like a lettuce than a brassica.
I gathered some of my stored onions from the greenhouse and was very surprised to see the white onions grown from sets have lasted the longest in good condition? I must try and get some more of these sets for spring planting.
It was nice to make a start and get my first outdoor sown seeds in the ground. Next job is to set up a brassica nursery bed and get the brassicas sown but that's for another day!