I haven't posted on here for a while but I've still been active on the plot keeping it ticking over!
Today I thought I would have half an hour before the forecast-ed rain arrived but it didn't and being a nice afternoon I stopped for a couple of hours!

I kept two of my elephant garlic heads aside for re-planting. After cleaning and splitting heads into individual cloves I just dibbered holes through the hay mulch and cardboard and planted them. I then just added a handful of compost to top up holes and act as a marker for where they are planted.
I then weeded a couple of leek beds and transplanted a few more (using dibber again.)
The allotment behind me has a cooking apple tree and I had my eye on some cookers that were hanging over my plot. When I looked they had disappeared and I assumed that the plot holder had picked them.Once I dug through the undergrowth to the base of the tree I realised they had become wind falls so I duly gathered a carrier bag full!

Now all I have to do is get into the hedgerows and gather the same amount of blackberries!
I also hand weeded a bed and laid cardboard then grass cuttings (not photographed) this will be for my normal garlic which once again I kept back from this years crop.
I even sowed some spring cabbage and turnips in modules in the greenhouse. I know I am a bit late for these, but they have two chances and I deffo wouldn't have got a crop if they were sitting in the seed packet.
I found 5 spring cabbage plants which I had for gotten about so these, even though they had been munched , were planted next to the elephant garlic.
I couldn't resist taking a piccie of three bees working a leek seedhead as well!