2020 - Tell us what you did today
Bren Offline
Aubergine flowers are pretty Veggie I really wanted actual aubergines but never managed to produced any. I didn’t like to give up but you can only be disappointed so many times.
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JJB Offline
Yesterday was shopping in the morning then I enlisted P's help with electric saw to cut some of the really thick roots from compost bin floor. I think we've become a bit obsessedSmile. I hope that by getting rid of the wrist sized and bigger roots they won't have babies to grow into the compost for a couple of years at least. Who was the bright spark, 35 yrs ago, who found a 5"conker tree growing in a pot and decided to plant it! Said same spark placed a huge compost bin underneath it too! I'd get rid of her.

Today is the start of raking up copper beach leaves either bagging up or mowing to shred them then P is grass cutting. Me, I'll be tidying up some more I expect.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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Broadway Offline
Pulled up beans and bunged in the dalek.

Weeded and covered GH frame base with membrane, will be used as the permanent bean area going forward.

More weedingSad

Took home the remaining 3 pumpkins/squashes

Froze the last of the beetroot.
Regards..........Danny Smile
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Small chilli Offline
Super Pest Controller
Half of bed 1 has been emptied, weeded and covered. Bed 2 emptied & weeded. Including pulling out all the runner beans.
Builder that would like to go play in the garden.
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Small chilli Offline
Super Pest Controller
Finished strimming the plot. Got Bob to help empty so big pots & move the hardening off bench. Reported some tree saplings and other plants I’ve got in pots until the new garden is ready. Collected some sweet William seeds.
Builder that would like to go play in the garden.
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Can the Man Offline
Can the Man with the van
I washed the outside of the poly tunnel, I rotovated wher I had the spuds growing this year and threw some pelletised chicken manure in to it before I rotovated, then covered with black builders plastic hopefully stop the weeds growing over the winter.
In the tunnel I harvested some chillies my yellow bumpy ones are struggling to turn yellow. I sowed some pink garlic, 2 bulbs gave me 24 cloves. I still have some white garlic to sow, just don’t know where yet.
Coffee keeps me busy until it’s acceptable to drink whiskey.
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Norfolk Grey Offline
Pest Controller
Yesterday I cleared all the old pots of failed and dead stuff that never got planted out etc and put in the compost bin. I tidied up a boarder and rescued/lifted the dahlias out of the paddock that have just become swamped by nettles. Today I pruned my stone fruit trees in the veg patch (yes 2 months late but it has been fine today and should be for the next day or so - fingers crossed)
1 seed, 2 seed, 3 seed, 4....
5 seed, 6 seed, 7 seed, more!
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Bren Offline
Removed my last cuc from the GH, dismantled and washed the self watering trays, pulled up a couple of Toms that’s finished.
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Roitelet Offline
Washed down the inside of the poly tunnel and repaired any damage to the cover as I went along. It’s 10years old and has stood up well the only damage was where the plastic touches the metal hoops mostly on the sunniest side. Should last for a few more years now.
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Vinny Offline
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
Constructive day today at the plot. 
I have been storing some flattened cardboard boxes in the shed and after cutting seems I had enough to cover the area where my Butternuts and cukes are growing. I spread these out out on top of the dying foliage and held it down with some grass cuttings I had brought from home. These cucurbits were planted through cardboard on undug soil and had a coating of home made compost spread on top. This should mean that I am building up the soil fertility in this area without any digging. Cool
I then took the top tier off a bed as the bottom tier was starting to rot.I dug over the soil within with the probability that I will eventually do away with the sides altogether. I raked up the soil to make a large mound along the bed. I then planted five Elephant garlic cloves along the peak . Along each side I planted eight normal garlic cloves. I have been told that garlic doesn't like too much moisture so hopefully this will help growth. To finish off I sprinkled some chicken poo pellets over bed.
Before going home I cut the  seed head off a leek I have been growing i a large pot in the corner of the greenhouse. The head reminded me of Don Kings hair cut with a good crop of leek 'Grass'. I had to cut it to separate the leeklets and planted 30 into individual modules. There are still loads left do stuck leek stalk in a bottle of water to keep it fresh for the next time I pot on some more. Sleepy

Sorry for the length of this post and TTFN Big Grin
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons

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