2020 - Tell us what you did today
SarrissUK Offline
I haven't been outside today other than opening the back door for the dogs. Working from home, I ended up working much later than I intended to, and the weather was so bad that even the dogs didn't want to go out for a walk.
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Can the Man Offline
Can the Man with the van
Worked from home again, then needed to go to the credit union so did some shopping in ALDI while I was out. Got some nice strong flexi gardening gloves in Aldi for €2.94 a pair. Really good value.

Coffee keeps me busy until it’s acceptable to drink whiskey.
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JJB Offline
Boiled up cooking apples for freezing. Collected tomatoes that are all splitting in the wet weather and boiled them up for freezer and use in soup or sauces. Baked sponge and choc chip cookies. This afternoon must get on with some weeding.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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Bren Offline
(29-08-2020, 12:25 AM)Can the Man Wrote: Worked from home again, then needed to go to the credit union so did some shopping in ALDI while I was out. Got some nice strong flexi gardening gloves in Aldi for €2.94 a pair. Really good value.
CtM I bought those same gloves last year they're hard wearing and comfy to wear  Smile

Apple picking again today here    they're lovely apples Worcester pearmain but they don't keep so I've been juicing, dehydrating, freezing and making chutney with them.    Still have lots left even after sharing with neighbours.
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Scarlet Offline
Super Pest Controller
Had a little walk round the garden this morning and looked at a very over grown border with a 25ft bay tree in the corner. OH came over and said that bay tree is getting out of hand......I'm now shattered. Spent all day chopping it up and clearing it away. Finefor him! The chain saw bit takes seconds!
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Can the Man Offline
Can the Man with the van
Weeding the brassicas bed, pulled up 3 brussel sprout plants that were overrun with caterpillars and earwigs. Sowed new brussel sprout plants, new curly kale. Cut the grass front and back with the mulching plug in place on the ride on. Pulled up the last of the peas and planted 26 leeks. All aches and pains.
Coffee keeps me busy until it’s acceptable to drink whiskey.
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Mikey Offline
Built a winter frame for my pizza oven, mowed the lawn inspected toms, a couple weren’t standing to attention so they were not tied in. Potted on some cauli, and patty pans, not sure how they will stand upto a greenhouse winter but we’ll see. Gathered remainder of leek seeds to dry.
A pocket knife is not a weapon in the right hands it’s an essential garden tool.
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Vinny Offline
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
I was in my local shop where they had huge heads of garlic for sale for 35p each. These heads were nearly as big as my elephant garlic.

I purchased two, and along with my elephant garlic will plant these all soon. 

Did loads of hand weeding at allotment (which my back is complaining about now) and harvested my Ailsa Craig onions grown from seed. Tidied up some of my cabbage plants and noted I have a massive red ball cabbage ready for harvesting. It is about the size of a basketball so as well as pickled cabbage I will have to hunt out some other recipes. Red cabbage and apples sounds good as I also have some apples ready to use.
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons
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PyreneesPlot Offline
Mountain Dweller
Friday sowed lettuces, beetroot, spring & red cabbages.
Planted out lettuces, probably the last to go into open ground this year, and leaf beet - it has been so hot and dry the first batch which I would expect to feed us through the winter is going to seed already.
Weeded the leeks, including some interesting rogue tomatoes, and covered them against allium leaf miner - hopefully the weather won't turn hot again otherwise they might cook!
Cleared the blighted leaves for the tomatoes and put another tray of Prince Borghese on the car dashboard to 'sun' dry.
Has Anyone Seen the Plot?

Hautes-Pyrénées (65), France
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Bren Offline
Collected all the dried telephone peas for next years seeds not many more to dry then the frame can come down.
Picked, sliced and cooked more apples for the freezer. Froze a bag of parsley and some oregano.
Of out for a stroll in the sunshine.
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