Scarlets Cut Flower Patch 2022/23/24
Scarlet Offline
Super Pest Controller
Started planting out my daucus and ammi but it seems Voles have takin a fancy

I covered over some grass last year and I now have another 30ft bed for dahlias although now Im wondering if I should dig up the garden to Smile

Daffs are starting to come. 
Ive sown a few more snap dragons last month along with:
a double feverfew - snowball
a few scabious
White Lavetera
Bells of Ireland
Statice - Apricot and rose
Rats tail statice
Rudbeckia - marmalade
Lemon bergamot 

Yesterday I had a marathon seed sowing spree.
Foxgloves - camelot lavender and Camelot cream.
Straw Flowers - scarlet, silver rose
Silver cup lavetera
Tetra ruffled giant snaps
Lucky lips snaps
Cherry potomac snaps
Snow on the mountain euphorbia 
Florists Dill
White Agastache
Sand flower
Icelandic poppy
Echinacea - pinky/purple
Vebena hastata

Taken cuttings of geranium and vebena and a couple of dahlias... so far the dahlias have rotted
    peonies starting to come
    statice seedlings
    ranunculus planted up in the greenhouse border
    anemones starting to bush out and put up some flower stems
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Scarlet Offline
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Flowers cut today

Hello all, long time - no posts!...I've been so busy and struggling with eye/screen issues it has limited my screen/computer time.

My cut flower patch increases in size every month Big Grin... Ive managed to plant in 300 dahlias - its cold so nog many are flowering but they have started.

I am loving the research on suitable flowers for my patch and again wish I had more energy to dig a few more beds. 

The wheelbarrow flowers have become quite BBM popular and I just wish I had done it years ago. Super  excited to see my dahlias start and already sowong perennial seed for next years plants ( new beds)
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Veggie Online
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They're beautiful, Scarlet. What perennials are you sowing now?
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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JJB Offline
Lovely Scarlet.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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Scarlet Offline
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(06-07-2024, 08:55 PM)Veggie Wrote: They're beautiful, Scarlet. What perennials are you sowing now?
Im trying helenium lollipop. Euphorbia golden foam. Achillea - I already have a fabulous bed - but it needs refreshing. Verbena B - I already grow this but it doesnt over winter for me so I start new in the summer. Alchmilla mollis. Started some perennial honesty? Never seen that before but Derry Watkins at Special plants grow it so thought i would have a go.

Chaerophyllum Hirsutum var. roseum -??! anyone grow it? I saw it on a photp and thought it may suit my garden ? fingers crossed.
If anyone has any ideas for anything else I am all ears
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Scarlet Offline
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So nearly Aug and the dahlias have been quite slow - but I managed to dig a couple
More beds this year and planted in just over 300
- unfortunately I have had lots of slug damage so lost a few plants and some are slow off the mark/ravaged because of it. Never had this much slug action in my life.
Still on the search for a rudbckia that I like in my bunches. This yellow with the pale centre has been the nest so far with a lovely long stem...white agastache, has been lovely. I would like to gind some more flowers that are "green". This year I did less varieties and more of each - this hasnt worked so well as I have had huge gluts of one and then a lull. I need to sit down with a plan and look at those that I can sow several times for an extended cut...and variwties that will overlap so I have a choice.
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Scarlet Offline
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Autumn sowing is well on its way with seedlings popping up and anemones and ranunculus sprouting.

Possibly not done as many seeds as I would have liked but so far:

Blackball cornflower
Snapdragons - potomac orange, potomac lavender, the rose, mdme butterfly bronze and mixed.
Feverfew - snowball and the single variety,
Ammi Visnaga - green mist
Ammi Majus - can't remember the variety..
Scabious - salmon queen
Bupleurum - no show so far
Cerinthe - i dug up some seedlings - never used them yet as a cut flower but maybe next year.

Im starting some new achillea - the last bed didnt flower as well as it did the year before.
So I am hoping the seeds i saved were mostly pink! Also did a small pinch of "the pearl" and also "love parade"

I have a few more seedings of the salvia nemerosa on the go.
Witj the anemones and ranunculus sown in trays the small greenhouse is already full - still searching for shelf options.

I have dug in over half of a 25kg sack
Of cheerfulness daffs...maybe 300 iris.

300 dahlias to dig out and dry off next week
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Scarlet Offline
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To sow next month - larkspur and sweet peas.

Im still chasing the fabulous sweet pea crop Smile
I have some perennials ones on the go. They dont ever seem to grow that well for me but I will manure a trench in the winter and hope they do better!

Foliage - I cant seem to grow what I want fast enough - looking at annual foliage/filler options. I have planted in some shrubs - lost all my pittisporum in that big freeze Dec 22 - so I replaced with 4 new ones. Unfortunately they are far to young to cut.
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Scarlet Offline
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Sweet peas sown...

Robert Uvedale - grandiflora
Clotted cream
Just Jenny
Deborah Devonshire
The tall Spencer varieties which are particularly suitable for cut flowers.

Larspur -
Carmine king
Smokey eyes
Fancy Belladonna
Blue cloud
Salmon pink

More daucus as the last lot has been slugged

More snaps
Chantilly bronze
Chantilly light salmon
Single sown in modules. 12 of each

Silver cup - 24
Pink - a bright I've grown for years - 24
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Scarlet Offline
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            An update from me - my Autumn sown ammi, daycus anapdragons and orlaya have been potted up. The Bupleurum finally popped up and are looking healthy. The snap dragon look a liytle frost damaged but so long as I can get them through the next month they should be great. Taking the tips out and using these to root for new plants Im hoping I can double the numbers - we will see.
Ranunculus and anemones look ok in their trays - i want to get them
Planted out  but its been too wet.

What I've sown over the last couple of days
Rudbeckia cherry brandy
Rudbeckia self saved
Larkspur pink - self saved
Florist dill - self saved
Mallow - pink - self saved
More sweet peas - self saved 
Monarda Lambada - self saved
African daisy
Statice - apricot and white
Bells of Ireland 
Sweet william - an annual - neon pink
Giant poppy
Carnations - i grew these a few years ago from seed - loved them but they just seem to be annuals. 
Scabious - self saved - hope they are pink
Fama scabious - white
Fama scabious - the normal blue / purple.
These were pricey seed - i grew them last year and planted out early autmn and some rodent ate them all - trying one last flowered in November - so gorgeous I had to give it another shot.

Potted on some helenium that I sowed in Autumn
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