Mildew on cucurbits
JJB Offline
Well the mildew is starting up on the courgettes and I've a couple of spots on  leaves on a gh cucumber. Today I'm going to spray with a milk solution but does anyone have experience of a different tactic?
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 

toomanytommytoes Offline
Powdery mildew? Potassium bicarbonate (can get it off eBay).

JJB Offline
(03-07-2024, 10:17 AM)toomanytommytoes Wrote: Powdery mildew? Potassium bicarbonate (can get it off eBay).

Yes powdery mildew. You've reminded me I've got som potassium bicarbonate in the shed, maybe a two pronged attack. Thanks TMTT
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 

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