Freecycle and similar websites
Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
Yesterday, IN came a very nice little Hifi thing with CD, tuner, MP3 player and bluetooth and 3 bananas!
Today I went to church and picked up some panini, cheese rolls, mixed salad, lentils, a flapjack, cookie and 2 hot cross buns.
OUT went a collection of wooden, dust-collecting objects. One of the collectors had a tour of the garden so I managed to offload 2 cucumbers and various plants and cuttings on her.
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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Small chilli Online
Super Pest Controller
In today butter, hummus, mayo, courgettes, carrots, onions , lemon, avocado,
Builder that would like to go play in the garden.
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JJB Offline
(29-07-2023, 09:24 PM)Small chilli Wrote: In today butter, hummus, mayo, courgettes, carrots, onions , lemon, avocado,

Sounds like a cookery competition  - what can you make with these ingredients  Smile
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
IN today came my week's sourdough bread ration! I was chatting to the husband who was busy in the kitchen - said that his kids liked to come over when he was making Turkish eggs. I had no idea what this was - imagined something like Scotch eggs - so asked him what the ingredients were. Next thing, he standing there with a tray of food (not for me but the kids). The Turkish eggs looked like moussaka made with aubergines, tomatoes, white sauce and, he said, 2 raw eggs in the mixture. Not at all what I imagined. Smelled delicious. I tried inviting myself for lunch but it didn't work!
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
Also IN today from Olio - 8 packets of smoked cooked ham (there were 45 on offer), garlic sausage and 2 bags of sliced onions.
OUT went an old Iphone.
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
Just back from my second visit to the £5 Food Pantry. Big Grin You remember how it you want Brie or Mozzarella, milk or eggs, Nandos or KFC chicken etc.
I had KFC, 6 eggs, Brie, 2 bags of grated cheese, tin of sardines, vegan burgers, turkey sliced meat, a malted loaf, bagels, bread rolls, doughnuts, cookies, madeira cake, crisps, 2 cans of tango, plums, tangerines, vine tomatoes, avocados. I turned down celery & cucumbers. Well pleased with that lot for £5.Smile
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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Vinny Offline
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
(03-08-2023, 09:43 PM)Veggie Wrote: Just back from my second visit to the £5 Food Pantry. Big Grin You remember how it you want Brie or Mozzarella, milk or eggs, Nandos or KFC chicken etc.
I had KFC, 6 eggs, Brie, 2 bags of grated cheese, tin of sardines, vegan burgers, turkey sliced meat,  a malted loaf, bagels, bread rolls, doughnuts, cookies, madeira cake, crisps, 2 cans of tango, plums, tangerines, vine tomatoes, avocados. I turned down celery & cucumbers. Well pleased with that lot for £5.Smile
This sounds very much like a food bank? Is it ran by a charity?Are you not depriving people of food who are desperate to feed their families? Or have I got the wrong end of the stick here?  Blush
I'm not havig a go at you, just interested, as there is nowt like that round here. Smile
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
Its open to all - its not a food bank but people in need don't pay.
They have two open days a week - Thursday & Sunday about midday, which I haven't been to, and so-called Pop-up pantries whenever they have food to distribute that won't keep until Thurs/Sunday. All of last night's food was left after there had already been a lunchtime "shop". At the end of the evening they offer free boxes of food to anyone who can pick it up. I haven't done that either!
It horrifies me to think that all this food would be going to waste if it wasn't for groups like this.
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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Vinny Offline
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
(04-08-2023, 11:09 AM)Veggie Wrote: Its open to all - its not a food bank but people in need don't pay.
They have two open days a week - Thursday & Sunday about midday, which I haven't been to, and so-called Pop-up pantries whenever they have food to distribute that won't keep until Thurs/Sunday. All of last night's food was left after there had already been a lunchtime "shop". At the end of the evening they offer free boxes of food to anyone who can pick it up. I haven't done that either!
It horrifies me to think that all this food would be going to waste if it wasn't for groups like this.
Well, you dark horse.donning the boxing gloves for combat sports  and not letting on! Rolleyes Big Grin

Sounds like a fab setup btw! Cool Is it callled Hangar because it's in an old aircraft hangar? Huh
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
Not an aircraft hanger unless its for very small aircraft. Maybe its named after Hannah and Gary or summat!

Just had this FB message:-
"Free bakery & use by boxes tonight.
Boxes are likely to contain prepared fruit & vegetables, vegetable meals, salads, sandwiches ,possibly milk.
Collection will be around 10 pm ( I will message when ready ) from gym car park only , please do not enter gym. We will bring out to you.
Please only request a box if you intend to collect"

Don't fancy going down there at 10pm so not tempted - even if it is free. Big Grin
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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