^^^ Im not looking at that post above - most of those anemones bit the dust in the frost....
Grow List for 23 - hoping for a very flowery garden despite the frost/cold setback.
24 Jan
Potted up some sprouted sweet Pea seed
26 Jan
Potomac Snaps - White, cherry, pink
Appleblossum snaps
Hibiscus Mahogany Splendor
Statice - mixed pastels, Apricot
Cerinthe (seed swap)
Euphorbia - snow on the mountain
Ammi Visnaga
14 Feb
Rudbeckia Sahara
Eucalyptus- silver dollar
Pink scabious
Mont blanc mallow
Eryngium silver ghost
Eryngium ( seed swap)
17 Feb
Pink pokers statice
Scabious - salmon queen
Clary sage - mixed colours
Eryngium (blue) - from some seed pods in the garden
18 Feb
Lovliness Mallow - soaked seeds for 2 days - planted up when i spotted a root. Finding them difficult/long to start.
20 February
Eucalyptus - baby blue (Germinated 24)
Pink scabious (Germinated 24)
Sundae scabious
Covent garden Gyp ( Germinated 24)
Snapdragons - potomac ivory, cherry and lavender. (Germinated 25)
22 February
Nicotiana Sylvestris from the seed swap (germinated 26)
Lime Green Nicotiana ( old seed)
Black cherry toms
Black icicle
Gardeners delight (germinated 26)
Verbena B -
Dahlia cuttings, Megan Dean & pluto
23 Feb
Cherokee Rudbeckia ( 1 popped 25)
24 Feb
Starting potting up dahlias - these will go in a cold outbuilding for now. Trying to get a head start - I don't want to do this next month when the weather warms up a bit and i need to sort out my garden borders....
25th February
Midnight Nigella
Albion Black pod Nigella
Black Millet
Giant Poppy
Hen and chickens poppy
Butterfly Ivory Snap Dragons
Costa Rose Snap Dragons
Space Hopper Marigolds
Florists Dill
2nd March
Potted up second lot of sweet peas sprouted in tubs
3rd March
24 Seteria - caramel - 50% germination 6th March
12 butterfly ivory 8/12 8th March
24 tetra ruffled giants - germinated 8th March
Small sprinkle of cress - germinated 5th March
4th March
12 potomac pink snaps
24 mixed butterfly snaps
Small trayMystic pink Cynoglossum
Scarlet straw flowers - germinated 8th
Large pot of green mist ammi visnaga
5th March
Two small pots rose pink straw flowers.
More lambada - my pot up the GH has got slugged!
Small pot of stocks
9th March
Vebena hastata - tried this about 4 times, never had germination. This is from saved seed.
34 - agastache - arcado pink
Mixed Russel lupins
11th March
A packet of feverfew - seeds were sow by 22... but hope some will come even if I dont like the smell.
12 potomac Cherry Rose
12 March
Potted on hibiscus MS - seed leaves have drooped

I hope I havent lost these
Took dahlia cuttings megan dean, hillcrest jonathon, willos violet and westerton pearn
15th March
Tray of saved Rudbeckia Sahara
Twizzle Penstemon Coral
Twizzle penstemon Scarlet
Sanguisorba - menziesii burnet
Berkeley Tye Dye Tom
Cayenne Pepper
Salvia Nemerosa
26th March
Echinops Blue - seed swap
Cosmos - pink picotee
Cosmos - Apricotta
28th March
Ping pong scabious
Zinna - peaches and cream
Zinna - queen lime red
Zinnia - queen lime
Zinnia - forcecast
Zinnia - zinderella lilac
Zinnia -orange - from a swap - but thwy look lore like eryngium seeds.
Echinops - star frost - finally, 2nd try and they have popped
Eryngium - silver salentino
April 6th
Sea spray statice
Lupin - the pages, carmine
Malope trifida - vulcan ( 12)
April 9th
Coral fountain
Green cascade
Hot biscuits amaranth.
Giant pacific delphinium
April 17th
Foxglove grandiflora yellow
Bladder campion - silene
End April - forgotten exact dates
White foxglove s/s - wonder how many will be white!
Iceland poppy
Sweet rocket
Sweet williams - auricula eye