Tomato Gallery
toomanytommytoes Offline
It's that time of the year again...

Girl Girl's Weird Thing

Vigorous indeterminate, very thick stem, second to reach the top of the greenhouse. mutation of Green Zebra, named after a tomato eating dog (Girl Girl) who used to steal this tomato in particular. Very good yielder, 5 to 6 medium to beefsteak tomatoes per truss. Didn't seem that phased by the heatwave in terms of fruit set. Cool colouration, meaty and juicy, balanced and very good depth of flavour with a nice aftertaste. Fruit doesn't go soft quickly like Pink Berkeley Tie-Dye. Definite keeper.

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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
Jen's Tangerine


It really does look like a tangerine. Haven't tasted it yet
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
Mountain Princess


Grow this one every year. Its a determinate and the first decent size tomato to ripen, following on from the early cherry tomatoes.
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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toomanytommytoes Offline
Rebel Yell

Potato leaf indeterminate pink beefsteak, a cross between Stump of the World and Bear Claw. Thought this would be a winner early on in the season when it set a first truss of 4 perfect, huge tomatoes. Unfortunately it's barely set a single fruit since with almost all of the flowers falling off, guess it's not a fan of hot weather. The fruit are juicy, meaty and have a good balance of sweet and tart. Very good overall taste but the production makes it a dud.

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toomanytommytoes Offline

Potato leaf indeterminate pink oxheart, though the fruit on my plant aren't particularly heart-shaped. The name is an acronym of Heart Shaped Potato Leaf. Very wispy vines which seems to be a trait amongst the potato leaf oxhearts. Similar to Rebel Yell, very good first truss fruit set but the higher trusses rather lacklustre. Really big fruit, close to 1lb in weight. Very meaty, buttery flesh while the taste is rather mild with more sweetness than acidity. Nice but not 'wow', the low production means it doesn't make the cut for a regrow.

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Farendwoman Offline
Best for me by far (up till now ) Bloody Butcher. Fab flavour and cropping well.
Thanks to whoever put these in the seed circle. Will be growing again.
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toomanytommytoes Offline
Sgt. Pepper's

Potato leaf indeterminate pink heart. It's a cross between German Red Strawberry and OSU Blue (which was one of the first high anthocyanin tomatoes) so the fruit have dark shoulders like the Indigo range of tomatoes. Extremely wispy vines make you think it's not very vigorous, when actually it was the first to reach the top of the greenhouse. It puts out huge trusses like a cherry tomato and sets a load of various weight fruit. Very smooth, meaty flesh, mild tomato flavour but quite sweet.

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Farendwoman Offline
Sgt Pepper sounds good - hope you’re saving some for the seed circle.
I love growing things that make me want to sing.
I’ve got a gomphrena (flower) called “Strawberry Fields” which sets me off, plus an argyranthemum daisy called “Mellow Yellow” and a mini petunia called “Ruby Tuesday”. 
My husband knows exactly where I’ve been in the garden when I come in singing!
I’m sure there are quite a few other plants  that are song titles that I haven’t mentioned!
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toomanytommytoes Offline
(01-08-2022, 05:07 PM)toomanytommytoes Wrote: Sgt. Pepper's

Potato leaf indeterminate pink heart. It's a cross between German Red Strawberry and OSU Blue (which was one of the first high anthocyanin tomatoes) so the fruit have dark shoulders like the Indigo range of tomatoes. Extremely wispy vines make you think it's not very vigorous, when actually it was the first to reach the top of the greenhouse. It puts out huge trusses like a cherry tomato and sets a load of various weight fruit. Very smooth, meaty flesh, mild tomato flavour but quite sweet.
Here's one with better colouration.

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JJB Offline
They look very similar to my indigo blue beauty, a new one to me this year which I'll probably grow again.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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