2022 - What I sowed today
Bren Offline
Beans for me as well yesterday Blauhilde Climbing French Bean, they're my favourite ones.
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Broadway Offline
Sowed some PSB, Kale Starmaker, Wild Strawberries, and Fennel.

Also resown courgette Shooting Star.

Also potted on some Broccoli, Kohl Rabi, & Leeks Musselburg/Blue De Solaise
Regards..........Danny Smile
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Garrett Offline
Sowed some Jewel nasturtiums outside in the herb bed.

Sowed some Jackpot dwarf runner beans indoors in kitchen roll tubes cut in half.
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Can the Man Offline
Can the Man with the van
Took delivery of my cranberry bushes and pink lemonade blueberry bushes and my fig tree today. So I planted the blueberries into the ericaceous bed already in with the other blueberries weeded the bed and gave them a seaweed feed. Then planted the cranberries into 2 separate pots with ericaceous compost with a seaweed feed. Sowed some beetroot and carrots seeds.
Coffee keeps me busy until it’s acceptable to drink whiskey.
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Garrett Offline
"Paprika" french marigolds - a very dwarf variety I like growing with my tomatoes. Saved seed from last year.

Six of the Gigantes beans I left to chit on Monday have shown signs of life. I've potted them up and hopefully the other four will join them soon  Very excited for these! 
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Garrett Offline
More sowing.. annual climbers today:

Canary Creeper
Morning Glory Heavenly Blue
Ipomoea Lobata (Spanish Flag)

Also potted up the remaining four gigantes beans which had sprouted overnight.
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PyreneesPlot Offline
Mountain Dweller
Climbing beans cosse violette & pea beans.
Beetroot di Chioggia, turnip Milan purple top, radish French breakfast, mixed chard, dill, coriander.
Has Anyone Seen the Plot?

Hautes-Pyrénées (65), France
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Proserpina Offline
South Yorkshire
More radishes and spring onions
My CFB Coco Blanc a Rames have gone mushy while chitting, so I've sown some more directly into compost
Aztec broccoli
Two varieties of chicory
More chives
Formerly self-contained, but expanding my gardening horizons beyond pots!
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Garrett Offline
Direct sowed outside today after doing some weeding:
Sunflower "Red Sun" and "Velvet Queen"
Godetia "Pastel Posies"
Nigella "Miss Jekyll"
Campanula mixed (I like having this around for the tortoise to eat)
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Veggie Online
Super Pest Controller
(01-05-2022, 09:51 PM)Veggie Wrote:
(28-04-2022, 11:22 PM)Veggie Wrote:
(17-04-2022, 06:01 PM)Veggie Wrote: Last chance saloon for old courgettes today:-
Black Beauty (packed 2014) - 8 seeds sown
Mikinos (sow by 2017) - 8 seeds
Tristan (sow by 2016) - 8 seeds
Defender (sow by 2016) - 10 seeds
Alfresco (packed 2013) - 8 seeds
Astia (sow by 2018) - 6 seeds

Most packets had 8-10 seeds so I've sown the lot.  With my luck, I'll have 48 courgette plants looking for homes...........or I may have none. Big Grin
There are stirrings in the  compost............green shoots are appearing - Defender and Mikinos so far. I may have  48 plants after all. Big Grin
Astia, Defender & Mikinos have germinated - 11 little babies so far.  I've added sow by dates and seeds in packet sown out of interest. All seeds deserve a chance. Wink
20 babies have arrived now. Alfresco (2013) & Black Beauty (2014) are non-starters. Maybe they really were too old!
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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