2022 - What I sowed today
Garrett Offline
Gazania Sunshine mixed
Broad bean Bunyard's Exhibition
Sweet pea Old Fashioned

The sweet peas and edible peas I sowed last week fell off their shelf in the wind and I was greeted by a heap of compost on the ground and couldn't find anything to rescue so I've sown the sweet peas again. Bah!
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Small chilli Online
Super Pest Controller
Carrots Nantes 5 & James scarlet intermediate
Builder that would like to go play in the garden.
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SarrissUK Offline
I bought a variety pack of extra hot chillies for Jay's stepdad - he likes spice.

So today I sowed:
Billy Goat chilli
Purple Bhut Jolokia - ghost chilli
Fatalii Chocolate chilli
Death spiral chilli
Habanero limon chilli
Surprise pack chilli - won't know what they are until they fruit. I have the types that it contains, but not which ones.
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JJB Offline
Of the 20 odd old sweet peas I put to chit only 3 or 4 sprouted so they got potted up.

Today's job is to sow tomatoes.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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Garrett Offline
I sowed some more Tom Thumb nasturtiums for the tortoise and a module tray of cerinthe.

I also sowed 2 x Tumbling Tom Red and 2 x Tumbling Tom Yellow. That's the last of my bush tomatoes sown and I'll start with the vine tomatoes after they germinate.
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JJB Offline
I've sown my toms now. Windowsill wars will commence Smile so many sown, I know I've got too many but it's difficult to choose the varieties and see the ones in the box looking all sad because they've not been chosen to play on the team, so I relent and sow a few more. Then there's the dilemma of how many of each variety, one for me, one for her, one for luck and one just in case, then when they all germinate I can't throw them out. Windowsill wars will continue in earnest at that stage but hopefully by then the ones under the lights will have graduated to the gh props.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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SarrissUK Offline
haha I'm the same! I can't possibly restrain myself to sow only two seeds of one variety. Surely that is why so many seed trays have six module rows?? Well I can't resist it - I just keep sowing, and when I run out of room, some get chucked outside to fend for themselves Smile
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Small chilli Online
Super Pest Controller
I’ve sown 145 sunflowers
8 red sunflowers
53 sunburst mix from a magazine packet of seeds
13 giant sunflowers from an old seed swap
24 giant sunflower mix from a different old seed swap
47 self saved sunflower mix

If half of them germinate it’ll make a pretty good display.
Builder that would like to go play in the garden.
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Bren Offline
Minibel toms not tried growing those before.
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Farendwoman Offline
(07-03-2022, 12:42 PM)Small chilli Wrote: I’ve sown 145 sunflowers
8 red sunflowers
53 sunburst mix from a magazine packet of seeds
13 giant sunflowers from an old seed swap
24 giant sunflower mix from a different old seed swap
47 self saved sunflower mix

If half of them germinate it’ll make a pretty good display.
It’s going to look fabulous!
currently having a break near Oban - so not the right time to get on a Cal Mac to Mull!
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