Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night!
Jay Offline
Evening all, just been told a horrible fact 2022 is 2020 too!!! Think we’ve had enough of that!! Smile
Nothing much happening just now…just the way we like it. You get the feeling everyone is just waiting for Christmas to be spoiled again…so hope not.
It has been quite mild here but the chances of a white Christmas are ramping up. Would be lovely so long as it didn’t last too long.
Anyhoo hope you all had a good day. x
West of Scotland
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Veggie Online
Super Pest Controller
Watcha, Jay.Smile
Hoping to escape the snow, for the rest of the year, anyway.
I'm getting into Christmas mode - I've just opened a tub of "Roses" - the chocolates, not the flowers. Big tub, but once opened its almost empty. The wrappings on each choc are carefully designed to look big with very little content. With just the tiniest bit of greed, the tub could be empty by tomorrow!
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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Bren Offline
We've been out and collected a bit of holly for the mantle piece that's it for decorations, made and sent a few cards and sorted out presents.
Baked carrot cakes, bought a few mince pies, stocked up on nuts and fruit seeing as I don't like chocolate.
We're now sorted for Christmas Big Grin

For seed sowing it will probably be lettuce, pea shoots and San Marzano Tom's.
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Veggie Online
Super Pest Controller
These short, cold days I find the best way to stay warm is wandering around Morries in search of yellow stickers. According to my pedometer, I took 4500 steps whilst there. Big Grin
Sunday afternoon used to be my regular visiting time as the early closing time meant they marked things down earlier - they still do.!
Lots of people queuing to checkout and, as I dithered about which queue to join I spotted one of the cashiers, at the far end of the store, beckoning to me - and there was no queue there. Then I realised why - it was Slow Dave. Everyone knows him and avoids his queue. He takes so long to do anything- he even speaks in slow motion. However, it was too late to back away and it was nearly 4 and closing time.
Dave asked if I needed any help packing and I gave my usual reply "I'm OK as long as you don't go too fast". Absolutely no chance of speed with Slow Dave!
Dave picks up the first item and passes it over the registering thingy, examines it closely and hands it to me. After about 3 items, he said that the scanner wasn't working on reduced items and he'd have to key in each one. My heart sank - this could take all night!
Fortunately, a supervisor noticed him struggling and offered to check out for him...................but he wouldn't let her! In the end, she read out the barcodes while Dave entered them. I'm not saying the store was empty by the time he'd finished but there were no queues!
I was so relieved to get home that  I ate 2 of the 5 Spiced Caramel filled doughnuts (5 for 14p) as soon as I sat down.Big Grin
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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SarrissUK Offline
haha I think every supermarket has a Slow Dave. Or Dozy Dave. My local M&S had one too, and he looked like Elvis. Not a lot of movement by him though, hip nor hands!
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Veggie Online
Super Pest Controller
Went to see my slightly younger brother today - he lives a couple of miles away and I was in the area so thought I'd drop in.
Last night, about midnight, just before going to bed, he went to put something in the garage, using the side door - and the garage was empty - No car!!
He thought he'd left the car on the drive, looked outside - No car!!
He couldn't understand how the car could have vanished - surely not stolen....................then he remembered!. He'd driven to a local park to walk his dogs and met a man who lived in the same road as my brother. As they talked, they started walking back to their road, and my brother forgot all about his car!
If anyone saw a man, wearing a coat over his pyjamas, walking a big dog through the streets to a carpark with one car in it, it was him Big Grin
You see, I'm not the only nutty one n the family.Wink
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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JJB Offline
I was going to say it must be genetic Smile
I expect all of us would have to admit to losing our car in the carpark, but that's a bit OTT.
PS I once forgot I had the lad as a baby with me and went to go home without him! I think it might have been subliminal.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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Mark_Riga Offline
Member from Cheshire
A lot of us have a forgetery.
As a child I can remember quite often seeing my younger brother waving to me still on the bus to school as he had got off at school and left me to continue to the next stop. Still happened when I was older working in Liverpool. I'd get a train back to Hartford and a number of times ended up in Crewe and have to get a train back for my car.
I once took my wife to Liverpool in the car and went home without her, accidentally. She rang me asking where I was and told her she would need to get the train and I'd collect her from the station.
I used to drop my daughter off at playgroup when she was little and carry on to Chester to work. One day when i arrived, she was keeping very quiet still in the back seat. I had to take her back and was a bit late for work that day.
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Veggie Online
Super Pest Controller
A "Forgetery"! I like that word, Mark - I'll try to remember it.Smile
This morning, my car was also missing from the drive - fortunately, I knew why! My neighbour has taken it for an MOT. Hope he brings it back without a big bill!
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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JJB Offline
There's nothing new in this world Smile my grandma, who died in 1981 alway claimed she had a forgetery instead of a memory.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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