2021 - What I did today
Bren Offline
Cut the grass then mulched runner/french beans and raspberries.
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Mark_Riga Offline
Member from Cheshire
We were visited by my son and daughter over the weekend.

They mowed all the grass, sorted the greenhouses, tying up tomatoes and peppers, fixed the outside tap, picked a few kilos of red and black currants, as well as a couple of kg tomatoes, cut down all the dock weeds, broke then fixed the lawnmower, weeded a lot, trimmed a few years growth off a shrubbery. I made quite few cups of tea and cut up a cake (courtesy daughter). Main meal was supplied by daughter as well.
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Can the Man Offline
Can the Man with the van
Watered in the tunnel and picked a selection of tomatoes for a friend
Coffee keeps me busy until it’s acceptable to drink whiskey.
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Mark_Riga Offline
Member from Cheshire
I'm trying to save some carrot seed for next year but when I looked to see how they are faring, there were none there. I think they are being nicked by the local blue tits so I've covered with netting to hopefully end up with a late crop. I harvested some parsnip seeds which there will be loads of. I need to check some onions I've let go to seed as well.
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Broadway Offline
Lifted my onions and hung them in the blowaway GH for now.

Lifted some potatoes.

Distributed some of the fruit bushes around the now empty onions beds, will plant them next week.
Regards..........Danny Smile
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Can the Man Offline
Can the Man with the van
Poly tunnel weather so I decided to dig over 2 raised beds added a feed of granular seaweed, BFN, chicken manure pellets, and raked over. Then sowed rooster potatoes for some winter new potatoes. I also sowed some lettuce, winter jewel cabbage, carrots multi coloured and Nantes. I sowed some dwarf lavender and 4 hazelnuts. I didn’t know how to handle them, so there are 2 in the shell and 2 out of the shell. I put some peas into 2 modules where some autumn peas hadn’t germinated. 
I then harvested tomatoes, trimmed up some strawberry plants, fed the tomatoes, chillies, peppers, and gherkin plants with liquid seaweed fertiliser.
I also brought my shallots in to dry them. 

Coffee keeps me busy until it’s acceptable to drink whiskey.
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Small chilli Offline
Super Pest Controller
Made some hammocks to support the growing spaghetti squash.
Builder that would like to go play in the garden.
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JJB Offline
(08-08-2021, 09:04 PM)Small chilli Wrote: Made some hammocks to support the growing spaghetti squash.

How? What out of? I have a melon needs supporting, but it's growing up a cane, I'm tempted to just lay the cane down.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 

Broadway Offline
Hospital today, went to the local then got a shuttle to the one in Donny.

Got to have a procedure, now waiting on the appointment, can't waitSad
Regards..........Danny Smile

Admin Offline
The Boss
Spent the day wrapping an 8 x 6 greenhouse frame in wire mesh. It will house a few raised beds that will become home to my strawberries next season. The floor has a double layer to stop furry little critters digging down under and up.
I am only the Boss because Veggie lets me be!
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