2021 - What I did today
Mark_Riga Offline
Member from Cheshire
Went in greenhouse for first time in 9 days.Armpit growths 18" long, many tomato plants grown at least that in height, many at top of greenhouse now, lots of forking gone on. lots of gardeners delight and galina needing picking. Some sweet peppers in need of support. The cucumber plant has produced about 10 so far but looks like one was left on too long so a lot of embryos have died so could be a long lull after to 2 developing on it are picked.
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Broadway Offline
Harvested a trug of perpetual spinach and froze in 8 mini bread moulds
Regards..........Danny Smile
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
Yesterday - filled a green bin with brambles, cut from the back hedge, that were encroaching on everything. Spotted an almost ripe blackberry but it wasn't enough to give them a reprieve - there are plenty more elsewhere.
Weeded another patch of "Future Flower Bed - FFB" and planted a Blue Scabious, Blue geranium and Kaffir Lilies (all plants I swapped for some comfrey roots). FFB seems to be splitting into a "Hot" side and a "Cool" side. Hot = nasturtiums, coreopsis and calendula and Cool = blue and pinks flowers.
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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JJB Offline
On the IOW ferry in the sun, brilliant!
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
You lucky Bunny. Smile
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
Just swapped my "new" free kitchen table with my old kitchen table - the "new" one is in GH3 and the "old" one is back in the kitchen where it had been for many years.
The "new" one looked better but it wobbled and drove me even nuttier.
It wasn't as easy as it sounds as I had to clear all the plants off the GH table (and plant a few to save putting them back in the GH) and, move all the kitchen stuff off that table.
I've made myself promise to give away some of the flower pots that were lurking under the GH table - nobody needs that many pots!!
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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Can the Man Offline
Can the Man with the van
Went for 2 walks across the bog today with my daughter my grandsons and their dog. We let the dog off the lead for a while and she decided to jump into one of the bog streams and came out covered in muck and stinking then proceeded to shaker herself over my daughter and me. Brought her home and showered her with the ga den hose, just as well she likes water.
Coffee keeps me busy until it’s acceptable to drink whiskey.
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Bren Offline
Yesterday I cut my JA's down to 5ft hopefully they'll be a bit more stable.
Thought I'd lost my sunflowers some were almost horizontal after the thunderstorm Sad they've picked up this morning.
Glad I took a photos earlier in the week because they're all looking a bit bashed around.
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Broadway Offline
(30-07-2021, 09:45 AM)Bren Wrote: Yesterday I cut my JA's down to 5ft hopefully they'll be a bit more stable.
Thought I'd lost my sunflowers some were almost horizontal after the thunderstorm  Sad  they've picked up this morning. 
Glad I took a photos earlier in the week because they're all looking a bit bashed around.
Hi Bren

Regards your JA's I can't remember but assume they in containers?

I have 5 containers, I emptied one as the foliage had died down, unfortunately there were no tubersSad, of the remaining four three of them seem to be flourishing but the forth looks dead/wiltedSad
Regards..........Danny Smile
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JJB Offline
I've spent most of the afternoon propping up rows of beans and outdoor tomatoes. They and their supports all went into rather dry ground. Now they're in soggy stuff and are falling about all over the place because of high the winds. In fact the wind has made me very bad tempered! I believe its a well known fact that the wind has that effect. Smile (I'm not talking about JAs either) Big Grin
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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