2020 - Tell us what you did today
Broadway Offline
Had a nice walk down the canal into town to get Mrs B a Christmas/Birthday pressie, shops were better than I expected.

Quick walk to the plot this afternoon to bail out the bucket inside the shed, wish my butts collected as much water! ??
Regards..........Danny Smile
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Spec Offline
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Vinny Offline
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
I had been stockpiling cardboard in my  car ready to take to allotment. As I need the space in car tomorrow to drop off Christmas presents I decided to take the cardboard to the allotment and dump it. It is pouring with rain and  parts of the allotment are flooded. Cry

Unfortunately one of the flooded areas is right next to my greenhouse where I had planted a grapevine outside and fed it in through a broken pane.
This area is under water and as the grape vine wasn't cheap and there is a strong possibility the roots will rot, I decided to lift it again and put it into a compost filled large pot. This should mean the roots aren't permanently flooded and it will eventually grow through the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot.
By the time I had finished I was like drowned rat. Rolleyes
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons
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Spec Offline
Was over at the shore yesterday to collect some seaweed, one of my grandsons was with me to give a hand, so collected 7 bags of seaweed, though his idea of a full bag of seaweed and mine are slightly differentRolleyes but I was still grateful for the assistance, today I had to wash the sand off the seaweed as GS didn't shake the seaweed before putting it into the bag and it contained a fair bit of sand, however it is now washed and on a couple of veg beds, could be doing with a few bags more but think I will need to wait a bit for that as tomorrow being Christmas eve I will be in a lock-in to make sure I do some housework and on Boxing day I will be in lock down, I wonder if collecting seaweed would be considered ecential work Confused
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Broadway Offline
Potted on the last of my walky leeks, 27 now sitting in the yard

Potted on the first 2 Babington Leeks to produce shootsSmile

Made some banana bread, well I helped Mrs BSmile
Regards..........Danny Smile
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Can the Man Offline
Can the Man with the van
Recovering from some Guinness overindulgence last night.
Coffee keeps me busy until it’s acceptable to drink whiskey.
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Admin Offline
The Boss
Just looking at Guinness is enough of an over indulgence for me.

Went to the plots, got wet, came home
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Spec Offline
^^^^^^^ By the looks of that it would be fine going out for a drink with you, not so sure about Can but think he would quit before the end of the night, that would just leave women to drink with and I think I would be finished before themSmile
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Spec Offline
Was out in the hut for a time and took some fuchsia cuttings, was going to clean out the greenhouse but decided against that as its getting a bit cold
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Broadway Offline
Popped some food scraps to the plot/dalek, very wet and cold there!
Regards..........Danny Smile

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