2020 - Tell us what you did today
Broadway Offline
Town this morning for my prescription. Stomped back up the canal and popped into Sainsbury for some supplies, must say I'm impressed by the supermarkets, always seem to be stocking shelves and no sign of panic buying?

Popped over the plot to check how many young asparagus plants I have(33), fixed the rotary sieve, bring back some pallet sides to make a leaf cage.

Collected 1 bag of leaves.

This afternoon checking seeds and updating the spreadsheet for next year. (Flowers first as it wont take longSmile)
Regards..........Danny Smile
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PyreneesPlot Offline
Mountain Dweller
The ceremony at the war memorial was for council members only who were laying a wreath on behalf of the commune, so we organised our daily walk (we're allowed 1 hour within 1km of home) to coincise with 11am. At ten past we moved on and completed out walk passing the church & memorial again on the way back, but sill nothing had happened. Its a new council and they're all at sea especially as the mayor has resigned!!

Planted out some broad bean, spring and red cabbage plants,

Helped MrPP pull 75m of wire through a conduit from the house to the gates for the doorbell. It snapped 40cm from the end - the air was blue !!
Has Anyone Seen the Plot?

Hautes-Pyrénées (65), France
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Can the Man Offline
Can the Man with the van
Went for a walk in the wind and the rain, needed to clear my head, heavy going in work today. Checked my chillies in the poly tunnel, they are all ripening up slowly, Joe Longs are 3/4 red, yellow bumpy are 1/2 yellow 1/2 green, same with the lemonella, Killians are nearly all orange and capsicum red.
Coffee keeps me busy until it’s acceptable to drink whiskey.
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
Scattered lots of poppy seeds to mark Armistice Day.

The dogs misbehaved today!!
Whilst I was planting out some Pineapple Mint (grown from cuttings) they were digging up tunnels, hunting moles or mice? In the process they snapped some branches off a trailing rosemary - they'll become cuttings soon!
Then we trekked back to the house and they spotted a Great Tit in GH No 2. They charged into the GH, jumping at the fluttering bird. Bess threw herself at the glass and broke 2 panes, one above the other. As I hauled her away, big shards of glass gracefully slid down onto the bed below. Fortunately nobody was harmed and the bird that started it all, flew out the door and shouted at us from the hedge.
The glass has been patched up with plywood and sticky tape until we can scrounge some replacement glass!
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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Broadway Offline
(11-11-2020, 07:35 PM)Veggie Wrote: Scattered lots of poppy seeds to mark Armistice Day.

The dogs misbehaved today!!
Whilst I was planting out some Pineapple Mint (grown from cuttings) they were digging up tunnels, hunting moles or mice? In the process they snapped some branches off a trailing rosemary - they'll become cuttings soon!
Then we trekked back to the house and they spotted a Great Tit in GH No 2.  They charged into the GH, jumping at the fluttering bird. Bess threw herself at the glass and broke 2 panes, one above the other. As I hauled her away, big shards of glass gracefully slid down onto the bed below. Fortunately nobody was harmed and the bird that started it all, flew out the door and shouted at us from the hedge.
The glass has been patched up with plywood and sticky tape until we can scrounge some replacement glass!
Oh dear!
Regards..........Danny Smile
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Broadway Offline
Not the most productive of days, I woke at 4.30 hence the early posts!

Mrs B purchased a new bird feeding station so that was assembled by 7, put out at 11.

Tried to fix the toilet sink plug, it’s stuck, YouTube then ordered a part for tomorrow.

Put a pumpkin and chickpea curry in the slow cooker, other half of the pumpkin in the freezer. For once I created my own curry paste, can’t wait! (This isn’t for tonight will go in the freezer)

Plot to bring back 2 more pallet sides. Will start making/assembling the leaf cage in the yard then take it to the plot at the weekend.

Collected another bag of leaves. (I’m sort of on a mission to try and get at least a bag every day until then end on November!)
Regards..........Danny Smile
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JJB Offline
Shopping for three households - a little stressful but no where near as bad as lockdown no. 1.
Raking leaves from front lawn prior to P mowing. The leaves will be shredded tomorrow.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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Scarlet Offline
Super Pest Controller
(10-11-2020, 06:44 PM)Mark_Riga Wrote: There are lots of orange/yellow mushrooms growing round 2 large pine trees. I was worried it could be honey fungus but that has a collar round the stem just below the cap - which was absent on the fruit round the trees. If Mikey was about I'd ask if it was edible (but doubt I would risk it anyway).
Also there are lots of small pale toadstools coming up in a lawn for the first time in 35 years. Not sure what that is about.
I have honey fungus in my garden Sad

They are sprouting up all over. I'm just hoping that if I can keep my plants healthy it won't attack them.
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Scarlet Offline
Super Pest Controller
All I did today was dig up dahlia tubers....still more to go.
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
Thursday's for herbs so I planted out more Pineapple Mint and some Pineapple Sage plants, grown from cuttings; turned yesterday's broken Rosemary into cuttings and potted up some African Blue basil cuttings.
Pulled up the courgette and butternut squash plants - always a sad time as I won't eat courgettes now until next summer. Also took down most of the beans - just a few more runners to pick and they'll be finished too.
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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