#8 |
(12-03-2024, 06:20 PM)Vinny Wrote: Not gardening related but If it's in the centre of the village a defibrillator would be a worthy addition? Also a lighting system with a map of the vicinity showing areas of interest.?Defibs at either end of village
Because of lack of top light,if you wanted to grow stuff in it you would need some sort of propagating lighting in th ceiling? Whatever it was would need to be slow growing and suited to a terranium. Something like this?https://www.amazon.co.uk/Exo-Terra-Pt2595-Terrarium-Paludarium/dp/B07K8GWLPK?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&smid=A26OWSNZ5YFB0H&th=1
Builder that would like to go play in the garden.