It's definitely been a tough growing year - lots of things are half their usual size due to lack of water - really wish I lived near a river
I would love to grow lots more - but I think this is about as much as I can manage. Its been pretty exhausting - wish I was 30years younger!
A bit more if the plot and 3 of my dahlia beds
Covering the grass paths betwren my beds has really helped. My lawn mower wouldnt fit down and strimming it was time consuming. It means Im not sitting in long grass/ants nests when weeding has reduced rhe workload.
The one thing I am considering is a long herb bed in my mini orchard. Putting mint and oregano in. Maybe controlling with the mower? Not sure it it would work or not. Its quite rough grass. We have only mowed a couple of times this year
I would love to grow lots more - but I think this is about as much as I can manage. Its been pretty exhausting - wish I was 30years younger!
A bit more if the plot and 3 of my dahlia beds
Covering the grass paths betwren my beds has really helped. My lawn mower wouldnt fit down and strimming it was time consuming. It means Im not sitting in long grass/ants nests when weeding has reduced rhe workload.
The one thing I am considering is a long herb bed in my mini orchard. Putting mint and oregano in. Maybe controlling with the mower? Not sure it it would work or not. Its quite rough grass. We have only mowed a couple of times this year