2024 - What I did today
Bren Offline
Yesterday afternoon we emptied the GH then pressure washed it.
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Bren Offline
Sorted out the cold frame for hardening of plants. Added dalek compost to what will be the brassica bed.
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Small chilli Offline
Super Pest Controller
More sorting of plants for cottage gardens. So more binning things that haven’t survived. Weeding pots as I move them. Potting on things that really needed it. Staring at things wondering what it is?
Each bed is getting its own palette named after it and filled with what I hope is appropriate plants.
Builder that would like to go play in the garden.
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JJB Offline
P went to IOW for the day by bus (rather traumatic having missed his connections). I messed around in gh. Sowed CFB & DFB and even more marigolds, a bit late in the season but I live in hope.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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JJB Offline
I wanted to get some carrots in but the ground hadn't been prepared, so the morning was digging/forking over and weeding then sowing the carrots. A bit hit and miss on the varieties but at least most of them are reasonably new. Potted on some toms for outdoors. I was considering plonking them straight outside but they were in 2" pots 18" tall spindly and not hardened off yet. Plus they're talking about thunder storms tomorrow, so I relented and put them in bigger pots. Bang went my afternoon, where does the time go?
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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doublyjonah Offline
Went to the plot by myself with family meeting me later. Got some tomatoes, red cabbage, a yellow courgette, and one variety of sweetcorn planted out. Immediately joined by our friends' son who was looking for my daughter. Acquired an aubergine plant from his dad. My husband finally got a bench put together that we bought a couple of years ago. It is a very simple bench but didn't quite come with all that was needed to get it set up. Did lots of watering and have already reached the point of wishing for some rain Big Grin

Most things won't go out for at least another week. Definitely behind the usual.
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
Planted 3 trough things with dwarf tomatoes - Rambling Red, Red Robin and Veranda Red, from memory. Moved them into GH4. Really behind with the tomatoes this year.
Weeded a patch that I may put bean sticks in.
Sowed A- D of my Alphabet of CFBs. Big Grin
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.

Bren Offline
Planted my GH tomatoes in the borders then a couple of Mini Bells in pots to go on the shelves.
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Small chilli Offline
Super Pest Controller
Finished sorting out what plants go where and finished potting on everything that needed it. Sieved old compost .
Builder that would like to go play in the garden.
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doublyjonah Offline
Had three hours at the plot by myself (!). Planted out Incredible sweetcorn, and six types of germinated beans: Borlotti, Trail of Tears, Tresnjevac, and Hunter CFB and Yin Yang and Jacob's Cattle Gold DFB. Set up tripod bamboo supports for the climbers. Emptied weed piles into the compost bin. Roughly weeded the very wild fruit cage. Quickly used the grass trimmer before I left. Gave newly planted things some water and crossed my fingers for an evening with rain. The bindweed will be a mile high if we get the rain and warmth forecast for this week but I'm hoping my seedlings will benefit too.
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