2023 - What I did today
Proserpina Offline
South Yorkshire
I have been noseying at the area on Google Street Maps - lots of lovely looking countryside on the satellite view!
Formerly self-contained, but expanding my gardening horizons beyond pots!

Mark_Riga Offline
Member from Cheshire
Well, I'll be away tomorrow till Friday so trying to cover plants/seedlings so they will survive without watering and with sunshine and frosts forecast.
Tomato plants grafted are in modules with the peppers and aubergines and will be under growlights for 9 hours a night on the living room floor. All 22 tomato plants are doing ok so far. Then there are 20 more that are in pots next to them.
Onion seedling/leeks/celery/asparagus/beetroot are on a bench outside above slug height hopefully.
Cauli/lettuce and sweetpeas are on a table covered with fleece to protect from wood pigeons - I spied 2 in a plum tree. probably eating the buds before they flower which I have never seen before. I think food may be in short supply for them round here. I've seen 3 jackdaws attacking the peanut feeder but I think with little success.

Earlier in the week the Met Office was forecasting overcast with some rain which I thought would be good but it changed today to sunny with frosts from tomorrow.
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Farendwoman Offline
(26-03-2023, 05:21 PM)JJB Wrote: I planted out one and three quarter rows of broad bean plants in the patch, from the edge otherwise I'd have been covered in mud. Something was chopping/pulling off the tops of the young plants. Not sure whether it's birds or mice. Anyway the new plantings have net over and a mouse trap  underneath.  The remaining bean modules are also protected. That reminds me,  I didn't put a trap near them, must traipse out again I suppose Sad
I also potted on some sweet peas.  Is there a sweet peas that has vetch like leaves, or am I nurturing weeds?
Weirdly, I’ve got two “vetch like” plants popped up in a packet of Lidl sweet peas too!.
We shall have to compare notes later on JJB (I’m assuming you kept yours). 
these are taller and spindlier than all the other germinated sweet peas. They also have a reddish stem.
It’s not a blown in seedling - they were all indoors waiting to be pricked out.

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doublyjonah Offline
With help from my husband's brother, we moved the rest of the compost onto our plot. It's covered around half of our total cleared growing area. I don't think we have it in us to do another tonne this year, so we'll be more like minimal dig than no dig. Might bring in some Aldi compost, but depends how busy we get with other things like painting the shed and getting guttering up.

Also moved some of the dangerous debris from old pallets and the old shed back into the netherworld of the plot behind the shed. I hate just shifting junk around, but it's truly dangerous and we don't have a car or the plan to rent anything in the best future, so there we are.
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
Planted out most of the DFB seedlings, into troughs and a big planter (think it has dahlias in it). I like to raise the height of DFBs so that they're not trailing on the ground and they're easier to pick.
Filled a wheelie bin with brambles and nettles.
Pruned a Weigela and a Fuchsia, also some more raspberries.
Cut down more brambles, ready for another bin.
Ted broke off some rosemary branches, because his ball had rolled underneath them and he couldn't reach it. Turned them into cuttings and planted them.
Took a lot of sideshoots off a perennial kale - they're sitting in a pot of water now.
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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Proserpina Offline
South Yorkshire
Today was the only dry day of my entire week off so I have spent it all in the garden. I've done lots of general tidying up (stuff I should really have done last Autumn but never got to). I've emptied lots of pots (mostly ex-seedlings that never got planted out) and thrown away some that shattered over winter (my fault for leaving them outside).

I've finished weeding around two thirds of my current growing area and spread some extra compost (hard work lugging it up my garden steps - I carry it on my head!) I've pruned my vibernum and buddleia but the winter flowering honeysuckle has been granted a reprieve as it still has a few flowers for the bees to enjoy.

Finally, I've sown a few seeds including broad beans, some radishes, Calendulas, turnips, lettuce/salad mix, and kohlrabi. All but the broad beans are for succession sowing, so I'm not too worried if they don't come up. It's supposed to drop below zero tonight, so I haven't watered anything in. I reckon they'll do better waiting for rain on Wednesday than freezing solid in wet ground tonight!
Formerly self-contained, but expanding my gardening horizons beyond pots!
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doublyjonah Offline
Today I also marked ten years of living in the UK.
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
Have you unpacked everything now? Big Grin
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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Proserpina Offline
South Yorkshire
After a productive day in the garden, I started hearing a drip, drip, drip while cooking ny tea. Having torn down a chunk of wall (well, a boxed off bit for pipes and cables), I think I have located the spot but the pipe is right against the wall so I can't wrap sealing tape around it!! Now my poor Dad is having to come over with some putty as I daren't just leave it dripping away onto my electricals. I nearly bought myself putty last time, just in case. Such an idiot for not just getting it!!
Formerly self-contained, but expanding my gardening horizons beyond pots!
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JJB Offline
(02-04-2023, 02:45 PM)Farendwoman Wrote:
(26-03-2023, 05:21 PM)JJB Wrote: I planted out one and three quarter rows of broad bean plants in the patch, from the edge otherwise I'd have been covered in mud. Something was chopping/pulling off the tops of the young plants. Not sure whether it's birds or mice. Anyway the new plantings have net over and a mouse trap  underneath.  The remaining bean modules are also protected. That reminds me,  I didn't put a trap near them, must traipse out again I suppose Sad
I also potted on some sweet peas.  Is there a sweet peas that has vetch like leaves, or am I nurturing weeds?
Weirdly, I’ve got two “vetch like” plants popped up in a packet of Lidl sweet peas too!.
We shall have to compare notes later on JJB (I’m assuming you kept yours). 
these are taller and spindlier than all the other germinated sweet peas. They also have a reddish stem.
It’s not a blown in seedling - they were all indoors waiting to be pricked out.

I'll take a picture this morning. Unfortunately I can't remember offhand what packet of seed it came from, I'll see if I can figure it out.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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