2022 - Plans and hopes.
Bren Offline
(28-09-2021, 09:33 AM)Bren Wrote: Not much change from this year.

Replacing Runner beans with all  Blauhilde beans instead.
Won't be growing aubergines ever again.
Grow only 2 cucs instead of 4

Grow a bit less lettuce  Confused
Plans doing ok

Not sown my beans yet.
No aubergines
I have 3 cucs growing but they do like to fall over and die so i have one extra.
We do like lettuce.
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Admin Offline
The Boss
Just as well I made no plans....miles behind
I am only the Boss because Veggie lets me be!
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JJB Offline
(26-04-2022, 11:01 PM)SarrissUK Wrote: I am in the search for well rotted manure and if I find it, I'm laying all the veg beds before winter. - I found my endless supply of horse manure, just about every villager wants to give it away. I didn't lay all the beds though, because quickly I realised I have room for another greenhouse, and since we haven't got the summer house in place yet, the beds are going in as I need them.

I am not sure how much I can grow, but loads, I'm sure - I'm starting to understand my space now, and yes... loads. LOADS.

I have definite plans of laying a path and I'm hoping to take Veggie's approach and scroungers them for free over the next year. - This path is still in my plans, but I need the summer house in place first, and rid of the old one. It will be a red brick path Smile

I'm also taking up a fair bit of concrete that is in the wrong place. - All done!! Smile

Other than that, I'm planning to wait and see what comes up - nothing fun has come up other than some yellow primroses under a big bush of some kind. I'm gonna have to put all the fun in, I think Smile

Sarriss we really need progress pictures, you know how nosy we are Smile
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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JJB Offline
(25-09-2021, 03:21 PM)JJB Wrote: I had thought earlier this would be a good type of thread as a reminder what to get on with next season. Thanks Veggie.

I've chopped down all the brown in the flower bed this morning and feel the need to move phlox, crocosmia, pinks and day lillies to better places so they're not so intermingled. I've resolved to sow beans, peas, courgettes and corn in two batches to extend the growing season. I've found several bags of 2 yr old shreddings/leaves which have formed lovely mulch which will go into the borders of gh2 when I remove the toms  to improve the soil.
There that's a start Smile

Not growing quite so many varieties of beans, stick to  CFB Hunter, Fasold for early ones and one other probably  Lidls, perhaps with drying beans up elsewhere to plant and forget. Bijou MT and maybe some Sugar Bon or Oregon Sugar Pod. Stagger sowing of cucs and not grow so many. Try to convince P to let me have the old climbing frame for a tromba growing frame, at present it's at the top of the garden and he sits on the top of it in the sun to catch his breath and cool off after grass cutting. Might not succeed there [Image: smile.png]

Try and put some thought into the flower border, at present it's very haphazard, but I'm useless at it, so might fail.

Failed miserably with the flower border, didn't move a thing!  It's still very haphazard and likely to stay that way.
I've been fairly reserved in the number of beans in my first batch of sowing,  leaving room for a second wave, but no way as reserved as I had planned.
MT are in the ground and climbing.
Semi reserved in cuc/courgette/squash sowing.  With night temps as they are ATM they might all get frosted.  Only one early courg plant is big and in sore need of potting on,  the rest still have baby leaves, although I still have the feeling I've grown too many.
I'm still dithering about sweetcorn, which variety to sow earliest, I've still got time to decide, Picasso and Swift co-existed well last year and trying to figure which one to sow first to make the longest season is perplexing me. Do I sow the earliest first, or second? Help needed here perhaps
The bags of leaf mulch are still sitting where they were plonked. The gh border got kitchen waste compost instead. I might use them for mulching after planting.
I got possession of the climbing frame and it's in position ready for trombas. P will have to find himself a different resting place, there's always the ground Big Grin

So all in all not too bad.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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Norfolk Grey Offline
Pest Controller
Last year review - well I done very little so it is all very 'wildlife friendly' rather than 'human friendly'
Aim for this year - No lists, chores etc. just get out and do something what ever takes my fancy at the time and be glad that I achieved it.

Please shout at me 'very loudly' if lists and worries start appearing. x
1 seed, 2 seed, 3 seed, 4....
5 seed, 6 seed, 7 seed, more!
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SarrissUK Offline
(27-04-2022, 09:17 AM)JJB Wrote: Sarriss we really need progress pictures, you know how nosy we are Smile

haha I'll be happy to share! I'll do another video in a couple of weeks' time when I've had a chance to finish off the greenhouse and tidy up a bit. It's all a bit messy right now. But yes, update is coming Smile
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Scarlet Offline
Super Pest Controller
(27-04-2022, 09:41 PM)SarrissUK Wrote:
(27-04-2022, 09:17 AM)JJB Wrote: Sarriss we really need progress pictures, you know how nosy we are Smile

haha I'll be happy to share! I'll do another video in a couple of weeks' time when I've had a chance to finish off the greenhouse and tidy up a bit. It's all a bit messy right now. But yes, update is coming Smile
I love mess! It's homely.... Big Grin
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SarrissUK Offline
(27-04-2022, 10:33 PM)Scarlet Wrote: I love mess! It's homely.... Big Grin

haha but it's a mess! I have a chicken coop on the lawn that is waiting to be picked up (it's from my old house where I had room for only a tiny one), bits of greenhouse everywhere, glass up against the fences, a sun lounger that got its first outing on Sunday, a potting bench that hasn't found its proper home yet and so on... Not homely - messy LOL
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PyreneesPlot Offline
Mountain Dweller
As it appears I had no plans or hopes for this year I have absolutely nailed it!

I have the last border to plant up to complete the circle of ornamental beds and borders all round the house, but very irritatingly the delivery of plants has been delivered to and signed for by persons unknown and the majority are now out of stock. I guess I'll wait until the autumn now.
Has Anyone Seen the Plot?

Hautes-Pyrénées (65), France
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
How did your plans work out in 2022? Did you do all you hoped to do?

There'll be a new thread for 2023 (of course. Big Grin). https://gardenandgossip.org/showthread.php?tid=1744
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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