May 2020
(07-11-2021, 12:41 AM)Proserpina Wrote: (06-11-2021, 05:59 PM)JJB Wrote: Reminds me of the cast of the full monty in the queue (where I can't remember)all doing their stripping routine when the music comes on over the speaker system......no stripping Vinny, you'll scare the natives 
Where? That would be the Job Centre on West Street! 
I've spent my day agonising over mortgages. My mortgage offer is about to expire, so it's time to apply for a new one. I've given my broker the go-ahead to submit an application for one, but the offers are appearing and disappearing so quickly that I suspect it may be gone by the time the application goes in. It's just as stressful as the first application (possibly more so, because if probate actually comes through in the next few weeks, things could be very tight with the mortgage if we're still hoping to complete by Christmas). Thanks for that Pros, memory's not what it was 
Best of luck with both mortgage and house timing, I think you deserve some good luck after all the stress you've suffered.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club
May 2020
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
Morning all
Steak & Kidney is defrosting ready for the Sunday Dinner.
Just made inroads to get some woodchippings. £25 a dumpy bag delivered so I think my resources can take that hit.  I've got plenty of cardboard to go under chippings on my allotment paths and if it saves weeding and tidies the plot it's all to the good.
Just watched the Canello v Plant fight, what a cracker! I'll not tell you the result in case you haven't watched it but it was a really good fight.
Dog walking, dinner making then possibly work on campervan? High winds last night caused the pop-top to open on camper as I had forgot to secure it down. No harm done though and all secure now.
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons
May 2020
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
Morning all
Starting to get aclimatised to these cold mornings now and instead of rushing to light the woodburner or put the heating on I just put a jumper on instead. I am still wearing shorts so the heat generated from my laptop on my knees as I type this keeps my legs warm!
My daughter who lives up the street from me is getting a new bed for my grandson so asked me if I wanted the old one? I said yes as I have a bedroom/junkroom without a bed in it at the mo. Todays project, afer dog walking is to clear the spare bedroom and make room for the bed!  Her new one is getting delivered tomorrow so that's my deadline.
Its Meatless Monday for me so need to figure out what my OMAD meal will be for today and possibly buy some veg stuff if needed. I have pasta but am trying to stay clear of carbs so that is only to be used as a last resort.
Take care folks and TTFN.
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons
May 2020
Its always meatless Monday here, Vinny................and I'm cooking up a great panful of yellow peas. Some will be squidged into burger shapes with onion, tomato and chard/spinach. Some will turn into mushy peas to eat with sausages and the rest will for the base for a soup with spuds, carrots onions etc.
The Moneyless Chicken says:-
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
May 2020
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
(08-11-2021, 04:25 PM)Veggie Wrote: Its always meatless Monday here, Vinny................and I'm cooking up a great panful of yellow peas. Some will be squidged into burger shapes with onion, tomato and chard/spinach. Some will turn into mushy peas to eat with sausages and the rest will for the base for a soup with spuds, carrots onions etc. I wouldn't like to be downwind of you after that!
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons
May 2020
I've eaten beans so many time that they rarely have an effect on me, or those nearby.
The Moneyless Chicken says:-
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
May 2020
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
My Meatless Monday comprised of fried Halloumi and fried courgettes,boiled eggs, brocolli cooked in half a tin of chopped tomatoes leftover from Saturdays Full English brekkie,pickled gerkins and pickled beetroot. The brocolli cooked in tomato was my idea and it worked out to be quite crunchy ad tasty.
Got my wood chippimgs delivered direct to allotment this afternoon. Managed to get a good few wheelbarrow loads shifted into position before rain stopped play. The woodchippings aren't ideal, and are semi-composted. I suppose if I have any left I can always use them on the beds as well as paths? I was also given half a dumpy bag of cow manure off my allotment neighbour who had too much for his needs. 
The rain stopping play probably saved my back a bit as its aching slightly. No doubt a good session of Rockfit tomorrow evening will jerk it back into position!
I did mangae to clear an area big enough for a bed in my front bedroom so said I will stop at my Daughters house in the morning as her new bed is being delivered. I'm sure folks will think someone is doing a 'moonlight' when they see us carrying the old bed down to my house in the evening!
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons
May 2020
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
Morning all
Still no frost yet but its the coldest it's been yet at 14.5c in living room when I got up. Put the heating on for half an hour to take the chill off the air. I must be getting soft in my old age!
Shopping today as the cupboard is bare.
Got bed set up in front beroom for the first time in about 10 years. Trying to make room for it I found stuff I had forgot I had!
Pleased with myself at getting through a Rockfit session last night as I had a few aches and pains after spreading wood chippings on allotment paths yesterday.
Kato is a creature of habit so I had better get wrapped up and take him for his morning wak. See you later no doubt!
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons
May 2020
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
Shopping went well but the meal after it didn't!
I decided on a take on beef mince and tatties would be Lamb mince and sweet potato mash.  I had some peas with it but will give lamb mince a miss in the future as its way too greasy.
Nevermind, you live and learn. As the saying goes "He/she who makes no mistakes makes nothing"
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons
May 2020
It's afternoon now, the morning didn't go quite as planned. My 45-50 yr old Prestige slow cooker blew the electrics this morning. This is when P comes into his own. He put shoes on and went out in the rain down to the garage to reset the trip switches, he took the cooker to bits, checked the switch which had sparked dramatically and blown the circuits, he's found an approximate replacement online which will arrive tomorrow and although the slow cooker won't have a high and low switch only the one temperature I can live with that, my old cooker will be back in the land of the living instead of landfill. I pays to have an electronics engineer in the family  Next door bless 'em, offered me their far more modern one as a gift if P hadn't been able to fix my old friend.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club