Some of you may remember that, once upon a time, I had 30 beds in the garden, and I wanted to grow an alphabetically themed Root, Shoot, Fruit, Leaf, Herb and Flower in each of 26 beds. I was more organised than I remember because I've found a book of scale plans for each bed, marked up to show the perennial plants and with empty seed packets for whatever I sowed in that bed. Yes, I was surprised too.
Today, I've been playing in Bed 1A and spotted some Alliums emerging. Thanks to my newly-discovered plan, I can identify them as either Allium Mount Everest or Sphaerocephalum as both were planted in this bed. Don't think I'll find any Aquilegia "Swan mix" or the Achillea Millefolium "Cassis" and the Asparagus peas, Aquadulce broad beans, Aster, Alyssum and Agastache are long gone. The Apple Mint is thriving, however.
I've sown some Agastache and Anise seeds there today and, I'm going to pick up the alphabet theme and try it again. It'll be harder because I've reduced the number of beds since then but the perennial plants haven't moved, only the edging so I should be able to identify most of the plants.
Wonder what I'll find in Bed 2B tomorrow?
I know some of you are very organised with your spreadsheets and diagrams and my plans will be pathetic doodles in comparison but I'm impressed with them - even though the scale is a bit iffy.