Posted by: Veggie - 21-05-2020, 04:27 PM - Replies (23)


This Honesty (Lunaria Annua) has been stripped by caterpillars - but what are they? Wink

A few clues to help you - 

Lunaria is the favourite food plant of the Orange tip butterfly.

Lunaria is a member of the brassica family.

The flowers and leaves are edible and taste of cabbage.

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  Have you tried anything new these last few weeks
Posted by: Mikey - 21-05-2020, 04:04 PM - Replies (10)

So lockdown for all us daywalkers has been a chance to take stock and potentially try something new. 

So what have you done recently that you've either not had the chance to before or have managed to do again?

I've been dabbling at a number of projects, built a new pizza oven, had the chance to draw and paint, discovered the wonders of youtube chefs and generally managed to escape the clutches of the OH's list.

It's been blissful.

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  Photo journal of the jonah plot
Posted by: doublyjonah - 21-05-2020, 04:02 PM - Replies (67)

Hi all,

Some of you may remember from another time and place that I was fretting last year about taking on a full plot shortly after having my baby. I want to keep a little photo journal of our progress on the plot. If this isn't the best section for it, please let me know or move me as needed!

We took the plot in June last year (only a couple weeks shy of a year ago).

It's still in every way a work in progress, but this is where we are now.

Here are some embarrassing close ups of a few beds.

I hope to have the bed on the left behind the wheelbarrow full of beans, corn, squash, and pumpkins in the next month or so.

Overall, we're pleased with how we're getting on (even if our plot still looks worse than some of the established ones that have been neglected due to COVID isolation thus far this year!).

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  Slow Progress
Posted by: Mikey - 21-05-2020, 03:24 PM - Replies (4)

I was quite late getting my toms going as I didn't anticipate the lack of compost availability. I had to start mine off in last years spent compost, and as a result they were a little wee. I also made the fatal mistake of using the compost that top dressed my toms from last year, and now have 90 odd plants with no identifying characteristics to tell one from another. I put 3 seeds in each pot and got 8-10 seedlings out of them.

Not to worry, these got transplanted on Tuesday evening late on, and the OH forgot to open the greenhouse while I was in work yesterday so killed about 50% of the little ones. I had spare but, whether I've got the types and numbers I need is a lottery.

Same old same old, every year is a mystery.

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Smile Hallo
Posted by: Mikey - 21-05-2020, 03:06 PM - Replies (12)

Well hello there, strangers. 

So this is where you are all hiding. I don't know you go on a small hiatus and before you know it there's been a coup.

I hope you are all well.

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  2020 Tomato variety grow list
Posted by: Veggie - 21-05-2020, 10:35 AM - Replies (23)

Which Tomatoes are you growing with photos and opinions.

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  2020 - How many are you growing and picked?
Posted by: Veggie - 21-05-2020, 10:32 AM - Replies (222)

Tell us which Cucurbits you are growing and keep a total of how many you pick.

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Wink Some Beans
Posted by: Broadway - 21-05-2020, 10:28 AM - No Replies

Sown some more today, 10 each of ......

Climbing Violet

Dwarf Polka, Ferrari, and Borlotto di Vigevano

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  Beth alpha
Posted by: Small chilli - 21-05-2020, 09:18 AM - Replies (11)

I know she’s a very popular variety and lots of you grow her.
Do we pinch out side shoots or let her do her own thing?

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  Wild flower seeds
Posted by: Vinny - 21-05-2020, 09:03 AM - No Replies

I've just got my second packet of wild flower seed through. Cool

The first packet I sowed in a 'plug' tray but only half a dozen germinated and I am not even sure if these are weed seeds that somehow got into compost. Confused

The second packet is much bigger (20 grammes) and lots of black shiney seeds which other didn't have. I will sow these in a plug tray once I have transplanted the few that have germinated previously.

These seeds seem bigger so instead of broadcasting over the surface of the tray I will put a pinch in a dimple formed in each plug and cover with a tiny amount of compost. Hopefully this will give me better germination. Blush

As these are wild flowers I think I may keep the plug tray outdoors rather than in the greenhouse. Huh

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