Harvest Festival 2021
Moved: And the winners are.....
Topic started by Admin
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Moved: Harvest Festival 2021
Topic started by Veggie
Replies: -
Moved: Something from the kitchen - jam/pickle/homebrew
Topic started by Veggie
Replies: -
Moved: Tallest Sunflower
Topic started by Veggie
Replies: -
Moved: Favourite Gardener's Helper
Topic started by Veggie
Replies: -
Moved: A Repurposed item in the garden
Topic started by Veggie
Replies: -
Moved: Best Container of Flowers - growing or harvested
Topic started by Veggie
Replies: -
Moved: Best container of veg - growing or harvested
Topic started by Veggie
Replies: -
Moved: Funniest Veg or Fruit
Topic started by Veggie
Replies: -
Moved: Most improved plot, garden - any size.
Topic started by Veggie
Replies: -
Moved: Best container of fruit - growing or harvested
Topic started by Veggie
Replies: -
Moved: Best Wildlife/pollinator feature or area
Topic started by Veggie
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