2025 grow list
Small chilli Offline
Super Pest Controller
Now are attentions are firmly on seed sowing and planning. What’s everyone growing this year?
I know we’ve got our tomato grow lists, almost sorted. What about everything else? Anything new? Anything never again? My list is a work in progress.

Beetroot Mangelwurzel in raised bed (I have to put in place ) 
Carrots - variety to be decided (outside fish box)
DFB - last year’s chilli bed - Vermont cranberry, jacobs cattle gold , sonesta
Bush bean yin yang 
Mangetout green beauty  (outside fish box) 
Sprouting broccoli (outside fish box) 
Kale dwarf green curled (outside fish box)
Pumpkin - bath (variety to be decided)
Courgette - bath ( variety to be decided)
Samphire (fish box in tunnel)

Sunflower  (outside everywhere)
Bombay bronze cockscomb. -fish box
Other flowers - all of them (no idea where )

In chilli grow
chocolate habanero 1
Jalapeño 1
Beaver dam 1

Aubergine  1 - ( variety to be decided) tomato bed )

Salad bar
Mixed cut leaves 
Spring onions 

In pots parsley, basil, dill 
Builder that would like to go play in the garden.
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JJB Offline
Well done SC. My seeds are buried under books and stuff I've sorted from cupboards, so varieties are in limbo but generally there'll be:

A few CFB and DFB various varieties but Organdi and Atlants are two definites
Sweetcorn - Swift
Cucumbers - Delistar, Beth Alpha & Shintokiwa
Broccoli - Matsuri and / or Apollo and maybe a summer calabrese
Kale - Scotch Dwarf Blue
Onions - some Ailsa Craig have come up. I've yet to sow Bedfordshire Champion new seed
Swiss chard - Fordhook Giant and White Silver
Broad beans - saved
Carrots - who knows, whatever seed comes to hand and germinates. Probably a nantes and a chantenay
Mangetout - Carouby de Mousanne, Bijou if I have seed or Green Beauty maybe even Oregon Sugar Pod.

There will be others that take my fancy come sowing time, I'm sure
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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toomanytommytoes Offline
Beans (Bush) -Ferrari, Velour, Sonesta, Safari, Delinel (depending on what germinates)
Beetroot - Alto, Boldor, Pablo
Cabbage (Red) - Red Rookie (overwintered)
Calabrese - Aquiles (overwintered), Marathon
Carrot - Speedo, Topweight, Marion, Mercurio, Eskimo
Cauliflower - Orkney (overwintered)
Celery - Octavius, Tango
Chard - Bright Lights
Cucumbers - Party Time
Herbs - Basil (Devotion, Aroma 2), Coriander (Leisure), Parsley (Giant Italian)
Kale - Black Magic
Kohlrabi - Kref, Olivia, Modrava
Lettuce - Mazur, Lollo Rosso, Kyrio, Saxo
Onions (Bulbing) - Fasto, Marco, Redspark, Redlander, Zebrune (depending on what germinates)
Onions (Spring) - Guardsman, White Lisbon
Peppers (Hot) - Jalapeno (Orizaba), Reggae
Peppers (Sweet) - Diablo, Gypsy, Cornitos
Potatoes - undecided, will wait to see what's at the garden centre
Radish - Pink Beauty, Scarlet Globe, Hailstone
Spinach - Lazio, Mikado
Sweetcorn - Swift
Turnip - Tokyo Cross
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
No idea yet but will include:-
Broad beans _ Aquadulce
Peas - Bijou mangetout & ?
Lettuce, rocket & other salad leaves.
Onions- Walla walla
Cauliflower - perennial & All year round
Cabbage ??
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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toomanytommytoes Offline
Francis is the potato I will be growing this year. Never heard of it before, it's the first time the garden centre has sold it too, but it sounds quite promising. Probably the biggest seed potatoes I've ever seen, only 8 to a kilogram!
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Small chilli Offline
Super Pest Controller
Sorted my list this morning. Things may still change. But at the moment I’m going to attempt this.
Lettuce red iceberg + others
Aubergine black beauty
Sweet pepper sweet banana
Sweet pepper bullhorn
Chilli jalapeno
Chilli chocolate habanero
Chill beaver dam
Tom pendulina
Tom ananas noir
Tom black icicle
Tom girl girl weird thing
Sweetcorn glass
Onion silverskin
Onion red brainswick
Carrot ( variety undecided )
Beetroot mangelwurzel
Beetroot burpees gold
Squash turks turban
Squash scallop mix
Courgette tromboncino
Courgette all green bush
Broccoli purple sprouting
Broccoli brocoletto
Kale uncle bert's purple
Shetland kale
Bush bean yin yang
Dfb Jacobs cattle gold
Dfb vermont cranberry
Dfb kinghorn wax
Cfb barlotto

And flowers
All wild flowers 20 varieties
All bee seeds 5 varieties
Sweet pea
Drumstick scabious
Rudbeckia cherry brandy
Mallow all varieties
Gazania talent
French marigold
Flowering carrot
Sea holly (eryngium)
Echium blue bedder
Echinacea bravado
Dill mammoth
Corn cockles
Clary blue monday
Celosia all varieties
Bells of Ireland
Allium hairy
Snap dragons
Aster all varieties

That should do for a start.
Builder that would like to go play in the garden.
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  • toomanytommytoes, Veggie

Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
^^^ And you think I'm nuts. Big Grin
Where's Cha Cha Squash?
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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Small chilli Offline
Super Pest Controller
(05-02-2025, 06:10 PM)Veggie Wrote: ^^^ And you think I'm nuts. Big Grin
Where's Cha Cha Squash?
I might yet swap Turks turban with cha cha .

I thought I was being quite selective with my chooses. Until I saw them written down. Wait till I’ve got my other 2 tunnels & all my raised beds up and running. Then there will be a big list. Or a very short one, that just says, everything  Big Grin
Builder that would like to go play in the garden.
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