(14-12-2024, 08:38 PM)JJB Wrote: Wonderful, thanks V. What bundles of fun. What breed are they and was Bess's pregnancy planned.
You may wish you hadn't asked!
I adopted Bessie from a rescue on the 16th October 2014. She was born in December 2013 and is a cross between a Cavalier & a Bichon Frise known as a Cavachon (or a mongrel). She'd been handed over to the rescue because she was supposed to have nipped a small child when they both reached for the same toy. (I probably would have one the same.

Anyway, I brought her home and she settled in with my old dog, Mary, who was practically blind and deaf but she liked the company, they'd curl up together.
Bess started to fill out a bit but I thought she was just eating more than usual. A few weeks later I took her to the vets for a checkup and he told me that she was having puppies.

Couldn't tell me when without doing a scan. I was in full panic mode! I was on the dark side then so they had to listen to me!!
On 3 December, I stopped a tractor with a load of manure, that was being moved from the stables to a farm up the hill. The tractor driver agreed to drop off a trailer load on the roadside for me - that's a big load of manure and most of it ended up on the road instead of on the grass verge, so had to be shovelled off the road as quickly as possible. It was during the shovelling process that I popped into the kitchen for a drink of water and there was Bessie with a puppy! She seemed to know what to do and I didn't have a clue.
The manure had to be moved off the road so we couldn't stop shovelling. Each time I went into the kitchen there was another puppy. I had no idea when they would stop, would it be at the third. the fourth, the fifth or would there be more?? Luckily, Five was the lot.
That Christmas, we had lots of visitors. Not to see me, of course, but the puppies. They climbed all over poor old Mary (who was an ex-breeding dog from a puppy farm) and she seemed to enjoy the attention. It was a crazy time, seven dogs underfoot , but they were great fun.
Does that answer your question, JJB?
SC, you can wake up now!