Tagetes overwintering
Farendwoman Offline
Anyone successfully overwintered tagetes?
Just discovered loads of self sown seedlings. Thought it might be worth a try to dig some up and keeping in an unheated greenhouse.

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Small chilli Online
Super Pest Controller
I’ve no idea. The ones I sowed a fortnight ago have germinated. So I’ll be joining you, in attempting to overwinter them.
Builder that would like to go play in the garden.
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Farendwoman Offline
You’re on!
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Scarlet Offline
Super Pest Controller
I think they are more tender than calendula. They may make it in the greenhouse.
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JJB Offline
I've a few french marigolds in the gh, we'll see how they get on.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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Farendwoman Offline
Looks like at least three of us are going to try to keep some tagetes going through the winter. Mine will be in a cold unheated greenhouse. (Husband says “if we’re limiting the heating for us, I’m buggered if we’re heating a greenhouse!).
I’d really like to keep a few going - they’re “Cinnabar”. A tall single red strain that came from a friend who got the seed from Great Dixter. Apparently (she says) they’re “special”.
I just think they’re pretty.
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JJB Offline
(19-09-2022, 10:24 PM)Farendwoman Wrote: Looks like at least three of us are going to try to keep some tagetes going through the winter. Mine will be in a cold unheated greenhouse. (Husband says “if we’re limiting the heating for us, I’m buggered if we’re heating a greenhouse!).
I’d really like to keep a few going - they’re “Cinnabar”. A tall single red strain that came from a friend who got the seed from Great Dixter. Apparently (she says) they’re “special”.
I just think they’re pretty.

I can see your OH point of view  Smile mine will be in a cold gh too, I only heat in early spring. TBH with our frost record, I don't hold out much hope.  Although I do overwinter begonia semperflorens in the border soil. I lose some but many survive, usually the red ones.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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Small chilli Online
Super Pest Controller
Mine will be in a cold polytunnel.
Builder that would like to go play in the garden.
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Bren Offline
I’ve got french marigolds in my GH border, lots of flower buds then dropped seeds laying around so will see how they do.
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
I'm feeling left out! Better find some tagetes seeds - I'm sure I have about a thousand of them somewhere.
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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